This wasn't a one-off comment. Eunchae has been consistently begging for Chaewon for the past week, and Yunjin kind of felt selfish from keeping the two apart. Especially when Chaewon texted her asking how Eunchae was feeling, and she never responded. Yunjin bit her lip and sighed, "Give me a minute."

Twenty minutes later, Chaewon was standing outside of her apartment, bag of food in one hand, a box of juice pouches in the other, and an expression that Yunjin just couldn't read. Yunjin didn't even get a chance to say hi before Eunchae was running as fast as she could to her, wrapping her arms around the woman's legs burying her face in her thigh. "Chaewonnie!"

"Hi, Eunchae!"

"I missed you," Eunchae hummed raising her arms like she wanted to be picked up, and Chaewon looking comically torn because both her hands were full. Yunjin quickly took the bags from Chaewon's hands, and the lawyer wasted no time picking the kid up.

"I missed you too, Detective Penguin." That was a new nickname. But apparently Eunchae adored it, giggling happily as Chaewon leaned in to press a kiss on her forehead, "I brought you dinner, fries and chicken tenders!"


"Wait-" Yunjin was not about to let the absolute mess of her kitchen go to waste because of some chicken tenders. She had cooked three grilled cheeses successfully, burning two that later met their end in the trash, and she was not about to be one-upped by Chaewon buying food. This was Eunchae's last day, she was going to make it special.

"Of course. Are you hungry?" Chaewon hummed, taking the bag from Yunjin placing it on the table and opened it up.

Yunjin knew right then and there Chaewon had won.

Nodding quickly, Eunchae took her seat and waited patiently for Yunjin and Chaewon to do the same. Chaewon wouldn't even look at her. Yunjin supposes that was fair, she hadn't been the nicest to Chaewon. It still stung a bit, it probably stung a whole lot more for Chaewon. They both could feel the tension at the table, so thick they could cut it with a knife. Eunchae didn't seem to care, munching away happily at the food. "So Eunchae did you pack yet?"

Fuck. Chaewon, you idiot. Yunjin whipped her head to look across at her, silently cursing her out as realization dawned over her. Yunjin hadn't told Eunchae yet. Yunjin had no excuse but her own selfishness, not knowing what to do or say to the child about the matter. Eunchae looked confused as well as Yunjin took a deep breath, "Eunchae, remember when I told you, you were just going to stay here until your home was ready?"

Eunchae nodded.

"You're going to go with Sakura tomorrow." Yunjin gritted out, the very words coming out of her own mouth felt like sandpaper.


"Because she can take care of you."

"But you do too-"

"I know baby, but it's for the best."

"I want to stay here! With you!" Eunchae sounded frustrated like Yunjin wasn't listening to her. Yunjin was listening, she heard her loud and clear. Eunchae looked upset, eyes flittering between Yunjin and Chaewon as they both refused to make eye contact with the kid. "Please, I'll be good."

"I'm sorry Eunchae, I can't help you this time." Yunjin ducked her head, posture starting to curl in on herself, a small sign of vulnerability that she never showed the younger. It was unnerving, to see this big strong woman that Eunchae had learned to idolize look so small and sad. Eunchae had learned a long time ago when she needed to be quiet, this was one of those instances. Still, so many unspoke questions flittered around and weighed her down.

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