"Who's this?" Sunmi asked, tapping the yellow figures.

"Yunjin and Chaewon."

"Who's Chaewon?"

"Our friend," Eunchae answered simply. While technically that was true, calling Chaewon just a friend felt weird. They didn't have a label for anything yet, but friend, that wasn't right.

Sunmi smiled, taking a look at the time. After announcing the appointment was over, and Yunjin scheduled a few more, they made their way home. Eunchae was quiet the way home, just humming along to the radio. When they finally pulled into the apartment complex Eunchae spoked up, "I think I like her."



"I'm glad," Yunjin responded, frowning at the now downpour raging on outside their car. She got out, let Eunchae out and tried to lead them into the apartment. But Eunchae stopped, looking back at Yunjin. "What?"

"Can we play in the rain?"

"Huh?" This kid really wanted to play in the cold rain, what was wrong with her. They were both getting soaked, and Yunjin was already starting to feel a chill creep up on her. "No."

"Please?" Eunchae tried again, this time looking up at Yunjin with her big brown puppy dog eyes. Goddamnit, that was a low blow. Weighing her options, what was the real harm? She got to spend a bit of time with Eunchae before she left- Hey, stop thinking about that. And Eunchae would be happy.

So Yunjin caved. Nodding her head, letting Eunchae take her hand and guide her to one of the puddles now littering the parking lot. Eunchae jumped in it, a small splash of water sprouting up around her. She did it a few more times before looking up at Yunjin expectantly, with a sigh the detective put her foot into the puddle, making a small splash and Eunchae giggle.

Eunchae seemed content like that until she spotted a worm. Yunjin didn't notice until it was too late and Eunchae was holding up the worm with a wide smile.

"Put that down!" Yunjin shrieked, taking a step back as Eunchae just giggled and held it up close to her eyes.

"Can we keep him?"

"Absolutely not, it's a worm."

"But it's a cute worm."

"Eunchae, no." Yunjin was putting her foot down on this one, "We are not keeping a worm as a pet. What about his worm family? He needs to go back with them?"

That got Eunchae putting the worm back down, waddling over to Yunjin and trying to reach for her hand.

"Not until you wash your hands."


Maybe the rain was a mistake.

Eunchae let out yet another cough, rolling over on the bed. The blankets were up to her neck, and she was shiver, yet she was scalding to the touch. She kept whining that she didn't feel good, and most importantly she was heartbroken she couldn't sleepover Kyujin's. Apparently she had gotten Animal Crossing, Yunjin had no clue what that was, and Eunchae was so excited to play it.

Laying a new cool rag on the kindergartner's head, Yunjin sighed as Eunchae made grabby hands towards her. A new discovery was that Eunchae got extremely clingy when she didn't feel good, even more so than usual. Yunjin let Eunchae wrap her hands around her, whining, "I don't feel good."

"I know sweetie," Yunjin cooed, sitting back up and stroking her hair, "Are you sure you don't want just a little medicine? I have the kind that tastes good." That was also a problem, Eunchae was miserable but refused to take any medicine. Yunjin wasn't dumb, she understood why, but she was contemplating just pouring the liquid in some juice and giving it to her without her knowing just to break her fever.

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