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🏀Hampton University, VirginiaBad Blood Remix by Taylor SwiftTues

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Hampton University, Virginia
Bad Blood Remix by Taylor Swift
Tues. Oct. 5th, 11:17AM
"Bandaids Don't Fix Bullet Holes"

Dess sat at the round table in the library, all her books and notes spread open as she studied for her Health and Wellness quiz in a couple hours. She was exhausted. Her eyes struggled to stay open as it begged for a few minutes of slumber. She didn't get much sleep last night because of all the twisting and turning she was doing. Her dream was odd and was the main reason why she was up late.

All she could remember was her sitting in a church, wearing all black, and what looked like a casket near the podium. She never got further than that since she always woke up. Only to fall back asleep and the cycle started like that. After her test, she was going to attempt to get a decent nap in. At least this time around she'll be sleeping next to Shai, so things could be better. But before she could have a peaceful sleep, she had to deal with the unnecessary shenanigans.

Tami approached the table, placing her hands on it and causing Dess to look at her. A grin was plastered on her face, Dess unamused at her presence. She didn't even know who she was and her face clearly said that she didn't want to be bothered.

"You're Dess right?" Tami asked, taking a seat. Dess looked her over, mentally asking why she was taking a seat.

"Uhh, yeah. Who are you?" Dess questioned.

Though she wasn't trying to be rude, it came out that way. Her tiredness was making her act like a bitch. She didn't care in the end though. She made sure she chose a table in the back of the library so no one bothered her. Also, so no one saw her when she eventually fell asleep. Which was going to happen pretty soon. To tie it all together, she did not want any company. She damn sure didn't want a random talking to her right now.

"I'm Tami, Ashley's friend," Tami introduced herself. Dess slowly nodded her head, bored already with wherever this was going.

"Okay," Dess dragged out, trying to help lead Tami to the important part.

"Do you remember me?" Tami questioned. "I was at the table when you came over to apologize to Ashley—"

"Yeah, I got it." Dess cut her off, remembering who she was now. She still wanted to know why she was here bothering her.

"Good. I came over here because I wanted to relay a message to you. An important one," Tami said still prolonging what she had to say.

"Could you hurry this up please," Dess retorted, getting annoyed at the holdup.

Tami hummed then leaned back against the chair. "Aight, I wanted to know what was your deal? Why did you want to know what was up with Ashley and Axel?" She questioned being nosey.

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