Sophomore 13

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🏀Hampton University, VirginiaSmoke Break by Chance the RapperFri

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Hampton University, Virginia
Smoke Break by Chance the Rapper
Fri. Sept. 3rd, 1:30 PM
"No Breaks"

It was finally Friday. A day of the week that college students truly adored the most. Because they could party and drink all night long without having to worry about classes the next day. Even though some students did that regardless. Now it was more appropriate and accepted. However, Friday's for him were not used to party but to clear his mind. And he desperately needed to do that after a week he had.

Shai laid back on the bench, lifting the weights in the air then back to his chest. He kept going, counting his sets while thinking about everything. He's been putting two and two together since meeting Shamar. Everything sounded ridiculous but made sense in a way that he couldn't explain all that well. The sudden reappearance of Allison had to tie into all of this. Why would she be back just to be a mother? It was odd to him.

It was even more odd that Shamar came out of nowhere too. During his sophomore year as well. He obviously wasn't here the first year for a reason and that meant another thing was true as well. Sean was back. Shai didn't know how to feel about that. Anger? Happiness? He was unsure. But he didn't want to dwell on that right now. Whatever the reason they all were here, Shai didn't want to hear it.

Not right now at least.

Finishing up his set, Shai lifted the bar and placed it back on the rack. He sat up on the bench and came faced with a towel. He took it out her hand then wiped the sweat from his face.

"Thought you had class?" He questioned, wiping his neck.

"I just came from there. I thought you had class," Dess said while pointing at him. Shai scoffed, folding the towel and looking down at it.

He was already starting up a bad habit from last school year. Skipping class. He specifically skipped Professor Benson's class because he didn't have time to deal with the old man. Benson was still calling him Shamar and Shai was not feeling it. And since he didn't want to disrespect his elder, he was doing his best to avoid any outburst. His temper was short now and he didn't know why. Everyone and everything was pissing him off.

He hated that but it was whatever.

"You're skipping class already?" Dess questioned, putting her hand out. Shai handed her his towel then got up. She took a step back since he towered over her.

"I don't have time for Benson and him calling me the wrong name. It's not going to be constant, trust me." He assured her.

Dess nodded. "Alright. How are you feeling?" She asked the important question of the day.

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