Sophomore 37

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Hampton University, VirginiaLook At Me by XXXTentacionFri

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Hampton University, Virginia
Look At Me by XXXTentacion
Fri. Oct 15th, 1:11PM
"Steady Lookin'"

"This dude AJ really blowin' me, tryna have beef with me over some stupid shit." Bobbie went in, handing his plate to the lady behind the corner.

"The grilled burger and the curly fries please." He nicely told her what he wanted. While she made his plate, he turned to face Axel, who was standing beside him, and continued talking.

"But nah, homie tryna start beef with me over this DJ stuff. Talkin' bout 'I'm not being fair when it comes to these parties and the DJing stuff' and the whole time all this dude plays is twerking and Caribbean music that no one wants to hear. That shit is so annoying...thank you." Bobbie grabbed his plate from the lady then moved out the way to get his toppings.

"That's who does the Caribbean music?" Axel chimed into the conversation after not speaking for a few minutes.

"Yes!" Bobbie shouted, grabbing lettuce and cheese for his burger. He was finished and they both walked off together to grab the rest of his condiments then went to an empty table.

"People steady coming to me complaining about how ass AJ is when it comes to these parties. Like my damn attendance rate for these events are low and that shit is annoying." Bobbie continued, taking a seat. Axel took off his bag then sat across from him so he was facing the tv.

"Who is AJ again?" Axel questioned, crossing his arms and watching the game that was playing.

"Some bum ass senior with no drip and think he's the shit. Yet, I'm the one that host these events." Bobbie annoyingly answered. Axel nodded, he didn't know who AJ was even from that description and he didn't care either.

"Anyway, the whole reason for me mentioning this shit is cause I need your ass to come DJ this party tonight dawg. I refused to have AJ do the shit and no one else out here does music. And I refuse to grab a speaker and play off my phone cause that's lame. So, I need you." Bobbie desperately said.

"Ion know. I might hit up the studio to work on something." Axel informed him, keeping his attention on the tv.

Bobbi suck his teeth, biting into his burger. "Nigga, come on." He said with his mouth full.

"I cannot have a party and this nigga AJ doing the music. Like deadass if he does it then folks are going to be pissed at me. I'm the one that does the parties 'round here and niggas not gon' trust me anymore. Come on!" Bobbie begged. He seriously wasn't trying to upset any of the classmates again. He was on his last strike with majority of them.

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