Sophomore 48

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*FYI: chapter is LONG*

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*FYI: chapter is LONG*

McLean, Virginia
Family Feud by Jay Z
Thurs. Nov. 26th, 10:18AM
"Nothings Better than Family Feud"

Dess sighed deeply as she stared at herself in the mirror. Her eyes red and had puffed up. She woke up with the most gut-wrenching headache that even Tylenol couldn't seem to help. She hasn't cried that hard in so long, so she felt sick because of it. And yet, she still found herself wanting to let out a few more tears since she didn't feel done. Feeling her eyes watering, she looked away from the mirror then splashed water on her face. She used her cloth and lightly dapped her face. When she look back in the mirror, she jumped when she saw Shai.

"Sorry," he apologized. He held his hand up that was holding a bouquet of yellow Lilly flowers. "I got these for you."

"Oh...thank you," Dess softly whispered. She took the bouquet from him, holding it close to her chest and smelling them.

"I know you're getting ready to leave but I wanted us to talk." He said, walking in the bathroom. He took a seat on the toilet, Dess turning to face him.

"And by talk, I mean I'd like for you to hear me out." He clarified. She nodded then leaned back against the wall. Shai swallowed hard then pushed his hair back from his face. He rubbed his hands then lifted his head to make eye contact with her.

"I wanna start off by saying that I sincerely apologize for everything last night. I understand you were filled with frustration, disappointment, and hurt so you reacted the way that you did. I'm not faulting you for that because I expected it. But I don't want you to hate me without hearing me out first. I wanted to tell you, I did. The moment he said it to me, I wanted to tell you. But your dad made it clear that he wanted to be the one to tell you. He just felt comfortable letting me know because of how close I am to you."

"He wanted me to continue doing what I do, and that's caring and protecting you, so it would be easy when the time came. I know you're upset at the principle. I didn't want to upset him or you, but I should've told you anyway. Last night really put everything into perspective, so as always my mind was coming up with different plans for us. If you're up for them." He concluded, taking his phone out his pocket.

He had shocked himself that he managed to say his whole speech without stuttering. He was coming a long way. He went to his notes app and popped up the note he typed last night when he was struggling to go to sleep.

He cleared his throat, "Umm, I'm thinking we could do a private ceremony with just us and your dad so he can be there. I found a church that does last minute weddings, we just have to do premarital counseling first with the pastor. It's for six hours or around that." He read off his phone. He looked at Dess and saw the indifferent expression she had.

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