
Konan stared at the place beside her with wide eyes. Aiko had just... disappeared. Was it a summoning jutsu? She wondered. In any case, she had to cover for Aiko until she got back. Her head perked up at the feeling of a summon. A summon? Right now? Aiko you better get back quickly! She focused her chakra and her hologram appeared with the others' holograms. She found Aiko's hologram there with the rest.

"Deidara was nearly taken out," black Zetsu said.

"Is that so?" Kisame asked. "Who was it? The nine tail's jinchuuriki or Sasuke?"

"Nearly taken out?" Konan asked. "What do you mean?"

"It was Sasuke," White Zetsu said.

"Someone interfered and he was saved," Black Zetsu told Konan.

Pein's hologram's eyes narrowed. "Who interfered?"

"Who knows," White Zetsu answered with a shrug.

"We didn't catch the person," Black Zetsu added.

Pein turned towards Aiko's hologram. "Where are you currently?"

"With Konan," Aiko answered.

"Is that true?" Pein asked as he cast his glance in Konan's direction.

Konan nodded. "Yes, she's with me in my room."

"Very well then," Pein said. "I have to go, everyone on your guards. We can't afford to put any more members on neutral, we need all the manpower we have."

Everyone nodded and Pein's hologram disappeared. The rest of the holograms followed. Konan opened her eyes and set to work on making a copy of Aiko out of paper and changing the chakra to make it as similar to Aiko's as possible. She stepped back to observe her work. The 'paper puppet' was similar to Aiko and the chakra was close enough. This would have to work until Aiko returned. She walked out of her room and headed toward the small balcony where she knew Pein would be. This would be difficult to cover if Aiko didn't return quickly, and if Pein figured it out.

"Come in Pein, it's time," she told him. Konan saw Aiko flying in the distance. But that wasn't the only reason she needed Pein to come inside. "He's arrived."


You saw the Hidden Rain village quickly come into view and grow bigger the closer you got. You flew low near the ground and entered through the gate. For once, it wasn't raining. And that was fortunate, Pein wouldn't know you were flying in. You glided through the building and to the back of the tallest building. Carefully and quietly, you climbed in through an open window. That window just so happened to be the window to Sasori's room. The red headed puppet master looked up from his work table as he heard the flapping of wings.

"Aiko?" he questioned with a raised eyebrow. His landed on the passed out bomber and a bored expression crossed his face. "Why am I not amused by this sight?"

"Shh!" you shushed as you closed the window behind you. "Sasori, I need your help."


"With Dei, he's knocked out cold because of me," you murmured as you placed the blonde on the carpet. "I don't know why I did it, but it just came to mind and I didn't give it a second thought I... I just... it..."

"Hey, take it easy," Sasori stood from his work table and walked over to you. He placed his hands on your shoulders and you looked up at him. There was genuine concern in his eyes. "Calm down Aiko. Whatever it is you did, there has to have been a reason for it. Take a deep breath and tell me what happened," Sasori told you as he led you to the bed. You sat down while he poured a glass of water from the water jug on his bedside table and handed it to you. You took it and took a long drink, downing half of the water.

You held the cup in your hands as you looked down into the water and stared at the ripples. "Deidara... he went after Sasuke, and was pushed to his limits. He was about to blow himself up and then I... since his bombs are Earth style, I ran a stream of lightning through his body. I'm afraid Sasori... did I... did I kill Deidara?"

Sasori frowned and knelt down beside the blonde. He leaned forward and placed his ear on Deidara's chest (don't get the wrong idea, I don't do yaoi). After a bit he sat up again and looked you in the eyes.

"He's fine," he told you.

"Thank goodness," you breathed out.

"He'll be out cold for a few days though, but he'll live. However, he's gonna yell at you for this."

"Leader doesn't know," you said.

Sasori shook his head. "Not him, Deidara. Knowing him, Deidara won't let you live that down so easily. He'll keep bringing it up for quite a while."

"Oh, that..." you took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Yeah, I guess you're right. I'm sorry Dei," you whispered as you slid off the bed and sat beside Deidara with Sasori on the other side.

"Apologize to him once he wakes up and after he starts yelling," Sasori said. "Then you'll know he's okay."

"Speaking of okay," you began and looked up into Sasori's hazel brown orbs. "How are Hidan and Kakuzu coming along?"

"They're fine," Sasori answered flatly. "Hidan is back to his old self and Kakuzu somehow managed to get the other four hearts he needed."

"He killed again?"

Sasori shrugged. "I don't know how he got them. But they're walking around the hideout now. Hidan made a ruckus when he as told that he was put on neutral and wasn't allowed on missions or outside of the village."

You smiled slightly. "I can only imagine," you murmured as you looked at Deidara's face. "I should probably get him to the infirmary."

Sasori nodded. "I can take him," he told you and attacked chakra strings to Deidara's knees and shoulders. "It'll be faster this way."

"You'll be gentle right?" you asked skeptically and eyed the puppet master.

"Of course," he answered with an evil smirk. "Very gentle."

"I'm serious Sasori."

"I know, so am I," he replied and walked out of the room with you trailing behind him and Deidara's body beside him.

"Thank you Sasori," you said as you opened the door to the infirmary.

"Don't mention it," Sasori said as he gently placed Deidara on one of the beds. You both started treating to his wounds, with Sasori dealing with the more serious ones and holding Deidara up while you bandaged his torso. Yup, he was gonna yell at you for this when he woke up.

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