20 - In love! 😍

Comincia dall'inizio

"Yes, we can definitely have that." I pecked her lips, thinking that things were aligning with my plan. "But, I know that smile... remember you still have two weeks of your diet. No sex until your punishment is done" I teased her.

She pouted and faked a cry, "Aw! Baby! But these past two weeks were so hectic, especially since I've also been going to the bar to fix some things with the partners, which added to my busy schedule managing the Chankimha Industries. I've been missing you." She let out a deep sigh, "I've been craving for you."

"Oh, Freen, you have no idea. You'll get what you want over the weekend, and

I might just make it extra special if you play your cards right," I schemed in my head.

I tugged her in closer by her waist, "Hey, no sulking now. Remember, you'll get a reward if you succeed." I teased her by gently sucking on her earlobes.

She let out this cute little hiss, and I couldn't help but chuckle. "Just two more weeks, babe. Stop the mental gymnastics. Plus, I'm beat; this break is my golden ticket to some serious rest," I teased, throwing in a playful vibe.

"Okay, okay," she waved me off, heading to the mirror for the final outfit check. You're lucky I'm head over heels for you, and I don't desire any other woman," my wife declared with a smirk

"Oh! You better not, Freen!" I raised my eyebrows and crossed my arms. "I am your wife; you are my wife! It will stay like that forever!"

She flashed a smile, "Absolutely, baby!"

"By the way, that dress looks good on you. You look so hot, my love," I complimented.

"Apparently not hot enough to seduce my wife into sex," she pouted, a playful hint in her expression.

I grinned at her playful pout, "Oh, don't get me wrong. The dress is doing its job – very, very well. It's just that I'm trying to be strong and stick to the plan, you know?"

She raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in her eyes, "Plan, huh? You're making it sound like a military operation."

I chuckled, "Well, in a way, it kind of is."

She sighed dramatically, "Fine, be the disciplined soldier. But just so you know, the dress is ready for action whenever you are."

We shared a laugh. Returning the grin, I said, "Great. Now, I'll fill in Zea about the grandparent hangout plan. Since I still need to prep her stuff, let's skip the Forever Jewelries pitstop today. Our driver can swing by my parents' place, and then drop me off at the office. Easy peasy."

"Okay, I'll say goodbye to Zea and drive straight to the company," Freen replied, her tone a mix of determination and readiness for the day ahead.

"Alright, off to the company, my dear CEO," I said, leaning in to give her a quick goodbye kiss.

But as I parted our lips, she surprised me by pulling me back into her arms, and our goodbye kiss escalated into something more passionate. She let go of my lips when we needed some air, a mischievous smirk playing on her lips. "I need that for the day," she declared.

I chuckled, "Baby! Now go! Off to conquer the day. See you in the evening." With a final wave, I watched her head inside, the lingering taste of our shared kiss adding a touch of sweetness to the day ahead.


Becky's Pov

Having left my daughter in the cozy care of my parents for the weekend, I made my way to Forever Jewelries to tackle some essential paperwork. Post-lunch, my focus shifted entirely as I embarked on the mission of creating a memorable and romantic dinner surprise for my wife.

The beginning of foreverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora