5 - You cheated on our forever.

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Book 2: So, this is Forever

5 – You cheated on our forever.

The next day unfolded with a heaviness that mirrored the lingering shadows of the night. As the sun timidly streamed through the curtains, Becky rose from her sleep, wearied by the relentless memories that haunted her dreams.

The day held a bittersweet significance—it marked another supposed monthsary, a day that used to be filled with laughter, shared glances, and the warmth of Freen's presence. However, the reality of Freen's absence cast a long shadow over the once joyous occasion.

Becky, driven by both a yearning for the past and a determination to honor the memory of their love, decided to do something special. She prepared a small breakfast, laying out Freen's favorite dishes as if hoping the aroma alone could bridge the gap between the present and the cherished past.

The familiar melody of their favorite song played softly in the background, a reminder of the countless moments they had shared dancing in the kitchen. But now, the music echoed through the empty spaces, emphasizing the void left by Freen's absence.

As Becky sat at the table, a silent companion to the memories that enveloped her, she couldn't help but wish for a different outcome. The ache of longing was palpable, and the room seemed to hold its breath, as if waiting for a return that could never be.

In a moment of both strength and vulnerability, Becky whispered to the empty room, "Happy monthsary, my love. Wherever you are, I hope you're at peace. I miss you every day, but today, a little more."

Then she went to Zea's bedroom to get her to share a breakfast. Gently pushing open the door, Becky found Zea still wrapped in the embrace of sleep. The innocence in her daughter's peaceful slumber provided a fleeting moment of respite from the harsh reality outside.

"Good morning, sweetheart," Becky whispered, brushing a strand of hair from Zea's forehead. "It's a special day today. Let's share breakfast together, just like we used to."

Zea stirred, blinking her eyes open. The remnants of sleep clung to her gaze as she looked up at her mother. "Is it a special day, Mommy?"

Becky smiled, trying to infuse warmth into the moment. "Yes, my love. It's Mommy and Dada's monthsary. Remember how we used to celebrate with Dada?"

A hint of sadness flickered in Zea's eyes, a reflection of the shared loss they both carried. "Oh, yes Mommy. Dada Freen loved pancakes

"That's right," Becky said, her voice catching for a moment. "So, today, I prepared all Dada's favorite for breakfast"

The aroma of pancakes, freshly cooked bacon, and a hint of coffee wafted through the house as Becky and Zea sat down to share the special breakfast. The table was adorned with Freen's favorite dishes, a poignant tribute to the love and joy that once filled their mornings.

As they indulged in the meal, memories of laughter and animated conversations echoed in the silence. Becky couldn't help but smile through the ache in her heart, finding solace in the simple act of recreating a tradition they held dear.

Zea, too young to fully grasp the weight of the absence, chatted happily about the adventures she imagined Freen was having in a faraway place. Her innocence provided a gentle touch of comfort, a reminder that love, in its purest form, transcends the boundaries of time and space.

After breakfast, as they cleared the table, Becky felt a mix of emotions—gratitude for the moments shared, grief for the moments lost, and a determination to continue honoring the love they had built.

The beginning of foreverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora