6 - No longer a secret

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Book 2: So, this is Forever

6 – No longer a secret

As Becky stepped into the bar, the dim glow and hushed conversations enveloped her like a shield of anonymity. Irin, already settled in a corner, beckoned her over. Becky hesitated, a blend of gratitude and guilt tugging at her as she sought solace in the company of a friend during these shadowed moments.

Irin's smile, a pillar of support, greeted Becky. "Becky, I understand these days are tough, and the pain is unbearable. But drowning it in alcohol won't bring Freen back."

Becky, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears, confided, "I just miss her so much, Irin. It feels like a piece of me is forever lost. I promise it's just for tonight. Zea is safe and asleep in the house. She won't be needing me until tomorrow. I just want to let go, just for now."

Irin, sensing the weight of Becky's grief, nodded empathetically. "I understand, Becky. Letting go for a moment might bring some relief. But promise me, it's just for tonight and we'll take it slow."

Becky managed a small nod, appreciating Irin's understanding. As the evening unfolded, the clinking of glasses and distant conversations surrounded them, providing a temporary refuge from the relentless ache of loss.

Feeling a gentle pull away from the barstool, Irin suggested, "Let's take a break from the heaviness, Becky. Maybe dancing will help lift some of that weight off your shoulders."

Becky hesitated, but the thought of escaping the heavy atmosphere and letting the music carry her away appealed to her. With a tentative smile, she agreed, "Alright, Irin. Let's try dancing."

Navigating through the crowd, they found a spot near the dance floor where the pulsating rhythm of the music reverberated through them. As they swayed to the beat, Becky's thoughts momentarily drifted away from the pain that clung to her like a shadow.

"Irin, I appreciate you being here for me," Becky admitted, her voice carrying a mix of gratitude and sorrow. "It's hard to put into words what I'm going through."

Irin responded with a gentle squeeze on Becky's hand. "You don't have to, Becky. I'm here for you, no matter what. Sometimes, it's okay not to have all the answers."

The music continued to play, and the dance floor became a space where grief was expressed through movement. For a brief moment, Becky found solace in the simple act of dancing, a temporary escape from the weight of her emotions.

As the night unfolded, the music pulsating through the air, Becky and Irin found themselves approached by a couple of guys who seemed eager to strike up a conversation. The dim lights of the bar cast a fleeting shadow over their faces as they attempted to engage the two friends.

"Hey there, ladies! Care to join us for a drink?" one of the guys offered, a confident grin on his face.

Becky exchanged a glance with Irin, a silent understanding passing between them. In unison, they offered polite but firm rejections. "Thanks, but we're just here to unwind tonight."

Undeterred, the guys persisted, their attempts at charm met with the unwavering unity of Becky and Irin. "Come on, don't be so serious. We're just trying to have a good time," another one chimed in.

Irin, with a subtle shake of her head, responded, "We appreciate it, but we're not looking to join anyone tonight. Just here for ourselves."

The guys, realizing their efforts were in vain, eventually retreated, leaving Becky and Irin to continue their dance. The night carried on, each passing moment a testament to the strength of their friendship and the resilience that stemmed from shared pain.

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