1 - Little Bear

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Freen's POV

Irin: Where are you going?"

Freen: I have a band practice. Saint is actually there already.

Irin: But mom asked you to accompany me with campus visits. I can't go there alone"

Freen: Oh! dear I forgot; can you please excuse me this time. I promise to make it up to you little sis.

What is going on bes? Becky suddenly said. Literally out of nowhere. I did not notice her entering the mansion. Well not that she needs permission. She is Irin's best friend and is already family.

Irin: Freen is escaping her responsibilities!

Freen: Hey I'm not!

I faced becky and held her shoulder. "Can you do me a favor "little bear" please accompany my sister". "I don't even know why she haven't asked you to do so".

"Because mom wants you to do it, coz you haven't done your very own campus visits" my sister exclaimed!

I do remember now. Our mom is frustrated that I haven't chosen any university yet for my college degree. Unlike my twin brother Saint, who is already admitted to Harvard School of Business even before we ended our 3rd year of high school last year. And here my little sister Irin, aspiring to be doctor. While me a 4th year student with no plan at all. But what can I do, I just wanna enjoy life as it goes?

You are asking me a favor yet again you're bullying me by calling me "little bear" Becky exclaimed, waking me from my thoughts.

Freen: I'm not. That's just you, in my eyes. A little bear. A little sister bear. I tapped her nose.

Freen: But please Irin and Becky. Let me escape for now. I'll treat you in exchange. Here! Use my credit card. I handed them my black card. A privilege of being an heir of the great Chankimha Group of Companies.

Irin: Alright! Alright! But you will face the anger of our dearest mother.

"No worries! She loves me anyway" I smirked.

I kissed Irin in the cheeks; and about to do it with Becky as well, but she backed away immediately. I tilted my head with sudden confusion. Why did she do that?

But I ignored my thought, thinking she was just shocked, and I tapped her nose instead, my usual gesture towards her. Then I bid my goodbye to both.


Becky's POV

I entered the Chankimha Mansion and I immediately saw Michelle and Freen bickering. They did not seem to notice me at all.

I entered their conversation and Freen asked me a favor to be with her sister instead of her and campus visits.

But again, with the "little bear" I hate the most. She usually call me that to bully me.

And to top it all she explained that it's because of how she sees me. A little bear? Am I that little? And do I look like a bear? Bear are frightening, right? 

And what caught most of my mind is the "sister". Oh come on! My shy heart just shuttered.

I have been in love with her for sometime already. And to confirm that I am just like a sister in her eyes is just... sad.

It started with just a crush as I see her so caring with her sister despite their banters, and even with her twin brother. She is the epitome of an eldest child towards her siblings. She cares and protects them no matter what. No one can mess with Irin and Tony, or else they will face the wrath of the one and only Freen Sarocha, the number one bully of our school.

And then one day, I knew it was no longer just a crush. I wandered how would it feel to be her lover. I sometimes see her with her girls, literally too many girls; and my mood will automatically just go to the sewers. I would love it to be me she holds and well,... hug and kiss.

And that is why a backed away to that supposed to be a cheek kiss. I was shocked. She never do that to me. NEVER. And now I regret I backed away.

Beeeeeckyyyyyy!!!! Irin blurted out.

We are now in the car into the first university of the day- Cambridge!

Irin: You are in deep thoughts. What is it? Do you have a problem?

"No, I was just thinking what university to choose", I lied. I cannot tell her that I regret not receiving a kiss from her sister!

"Let's choose together so we can be together despite having different degree. I hope we can find a university that has both medical and business degrees." She excitedly say.

We continued chatting about our choice of universities.

Irin doesn't know that I have a feelings for her sister. I don't want her to know coz she will surely spill the beans. They might bicker here and there but they are surely close. And I don't any awkwardness at all, it will just put more distance between me and Freen -- I definitely don't want that. 


Freen's POV

Here I am sitting in after 5 songs for the band practice. I am their leader and vocalist. My brother Saint is our drummer. Noey is our base guitar while Nam is second vocalist and guitarist; they are both my best friends.

I just received pictures sent by my sister. Irin and Becky are currently in Harvard, the second campus in the list of her choices. They seem to be enjoying. But what caught my attention are their clothes. Too revealing for my opinion, not just Irin's but also Becky's. I wont let that pass.

"What's with the clothes? Those are too revealing. Cover yourselves ladies, including Becky. You wouldn't want me to pick a fight with anyone in there who tries to check you out right?" I replied

I received another picture of them. Now with cardigans -- but with a pout on both of their lips. And as I saw Becky pouts, I noticed how plum and attractive her lips are. She's kinda cute. 

Ops! What a thought-- she is literally your sister's bestfriend. Your almost sister! Your little bear!

Keep those thoughts burried Freen, I told to myself. 

Authors notes:

It has been ages since I last wrote a story. I just tried to get back to it to relieve some work stress. I hope my writings make sense. No time to proofread.

Hope you join me in this story, let's see where does it leads... please comment for any suggestions, or for anything at all. 

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