33 - New Friend

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Becky's POV

"I will leave! "Happy Birthday, baby. I love you." Freen uttered, she leaned in to give me a kiss that seemed like a heartfelt farewell. Then stepped out of the room, leaving behind an atmosphere charged with poignant emotion.

As her kiss left my lips, I felt a profound emptiness engulfing me. "Fr..Freen..." I call out her name, but the sound emerged so soft that only my soul could hear it, resonating like a deafening scream within me.

I watched her running into the distance, but as I attempted to chase after her, Billy firmly grasped my hand, preventing me from pursuing her.

Anger welled up inside me, not just at the situation but also at Billy's interference. I turned to him, frustration etched on my face. "Let me go," I snapped, my voice edged with irritation.

I won't ever let you go, Beck. You're mine," he asserted, his words ringing with possessiveness.

I snapped in response to Billy's words.

"We've been over this," I retorted, my frustration mounting. "I might have loved you once, but not anymore, and you're the reason for that change. I understand that you'll always be a part of my life, given you're my brother's best friend. I've come to terms with that. I've respected that, all for my brother's sake. But my heart belongs to Freen now."

Billy persisted; his voice filled with desperation. "Can we mend this, Beck? Love me once more. She doesn't deserve you; she doesn't deserve your love."

I reacted to Billy's words with a resounding slap. "Say whatever you want, but you have no right to decide she doesn't deserve me or my love." I declared, my voice filled with anger and frustration.

"I may still care for you; but Billy I'm no longer in love with you. Please understand that I beg you" I pleaded, my voice quivering with emotion.

Billy winced from the stinging slap, his cheek reddening, but my words seemed to cut deeper. He took a step back, the weight of his words sinking in. I turned away from him, my heart still aching from the conflict, and hurried in the direction Freen had gone, determined to find her and make amends.

As I ventured further in search of Freen, a growing sense of unease washed over me. I strained my eyes to scan the area, but she seemed to have vanished without a trace. Panic began to take hold as I called out her name, my voice filled with desperation, "Freen! Freen!" No one answered.

"Where are you, my love?" I say to myself.

Feeling increasingly frantic, Freen not in my sight, I reached for my phone and dialed for her.

As I suspect she doesn't answer my call. Even as my calls go unanswered, I refuse to give up. My determination to reach her only grows stronger, and I find myself leaving messages, sending texts, and trying alternative ways to get in touch.

Then I thought the one person I knew could help me in this moment of crisis – my best friend, Irin. As the call rang, my heart raced, hoping that Irin would be the key to finding Freen and resolving the turmoil that had gripped us all.

Irin answered the phone, "Irin please help me" I utter to the phone

Her voice filled with concern as she heard the urgency in my tone. "Beck, what's going on? Why do you sound so distraught?"

Tears welled up in my eyes as I quickly explained the situation, my words tumbling out in a rush. "Freen and I had a misunderstanding, and she left. I can't find her anywhere. Please, I need your help to locate her."

Irin, ever the supportive friend, assured me, "We'll figure this out together. Are you still at the Alex Monroe store? I'm heading there now

As Irin responded, it became apparent that she was also in England, and I felt a surge of hope that she might be able to reach me quickly.

The beginning of foreverNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ