32 - Sun and Moon

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Becky's POV

It was early in the morning when I answered the phone and heard Irin's cheerful voice. "Happy Birthday, my dear best friend!" she exclaimed, her words filled with warmth and affection.

I grinned, touched by her thoughtful gesture. "Thank you so much, Irin," I replied. "Your birthday wishes mean the world to me."

As we continued to chat, the early morning light filtered through the windows, casting a soft glow in the room. Our conversation was a welcome start to the day, providing a sense of warmth and connection, which I deeply cherished on my birthday.

As I conversed with Irin and enjoyed her birthday wishes, a part of me had quietly hoped that Freen would be the first to greet me. However, I understood that Freen was known for her fondness for sleep, and the time difference between England and the United States likely played a role in her delay.

"I really wish we could celebrate your birthday together," Irin continued, her voice filled with sincerity and longing.

I sighed softly, deeply touched by Irin's sentiment. "I wish that too," I replied. "But I'll make it up to you when I get back, and that will be a celebration to remember."

"We'll definitely make it happen. And, by the way, please don't forget the favor I've asked of you," Irin reminded me. "I understand it's your birthday, but I can't personally check the jewelry before purchasing it for my mother."

"Of course, I haven't forgotten. I'll make sure to handle it for you," I replied, reaffirming my commitment to helping Irin with her request.

"I'll check the driver's availability later. Our appointment with the jewelry store was still set for two in the afternoon UK time, correct?" I verified.

"Yes, that's correct," Irin confirmed.

"Great," I replied, appreciating the confirmation. "I'll get back to you soon with the details."

Irin and I continued our conversation, sharing updates on our lives and making plans for her return. Despite the physical distance, our friendship remained strong, and we looked forward to reuniting soon. I couldn't help but feel grateful for the meaningful connections in my life and the love that surrounded me on my birthday.

We wrapped up our call, promising to catch up again soon. Just as I was about to put my phone down, I heard my mother calling me from downstairs, so I made my way to her.

When I reached downstairs, my family greeted me with warm and heartfelt birthday wishes, creating a welcoming and festive atmosphere. Behind my family were my closest cousins and friends, and I noticed Billy among them.

My mother approached me with a warm smile and open arms, wrapping me in a loving hug as she said, "Happy Birthday, my dear." She planted a tender kiss on my cheek, and her affectionate gesture made me feel truly special.

My brother and father joined in, offering their own hugs, kisses, and heartfelt birthday greetings. Their collective love and well-wishes filled my heart with a deep sense of gratitude, making my birthday a truly wonderful and cherished occasion.

I know you asked not to have a grand celebration for your birthday, but I couldn't resist creating an intimate gathering and baking a cake for you. I want to celebrate the day God has blessed me with such a beautiful and loving daughter" My mother narrates

My mother's words touched me deeply, and I was grateful that she had respected my wish not to have a grand celebration. The surprise intimate English breakfast gathering felt perfect for the occasion.

"I appreciate it, Mom," I responded with a genuine smile. "Your love means more to me than anything in the world."

As we savored our breakfast, my brother Richie leaned in and whispered, "You know, Becky, this might not be the grand celebration, but it's definitely full of love and warmth."

The beginning of foreverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora