4 - Flavor of the month

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Saint's POV

"Freen sweety, I have been waiting for you. We just finished our class. Help me shop for the ball next month" Ashley said as she clings to my sister's arm.

Freen does not seem to mind and just agreed with her.

Ashley is the new flavor of the month. She is a freshman and a true eye-catcher with her light complexion and curvy body. Those into girls are naturally attracted to her.

I don't approve of Freen's lifestyle at all. She may not be at the bottom of the class but not at the top either—not so ideal for an heir of an international company at all. Not to mention her infamous activities with girls, "Freen's collection of flavors". She literally changes girls in her life like nothing. Well to her defense she never courts them, never introduce them as girlfriends and not even call them with any kind of endearment.

She just seems to attract them and entertain them. "I am just being a gentlewoman. I can't just disrespectfully reject them. If they are not annoying, I can endure them." I remember her saying.

It is a good thing that she cannot impregnate them, or else my parents will surely have bunch of grandkids already— a dozen or two for that matter.

"Hey Freen, since you're going out, I'll be the one to bring Irin home. I'll just wait her out at the library." I declared.

"Yes, please brother, but make sure to drive safely." Freen replied.

I nodded and walked at the opposite direction towards the library.


Freen's POV

I am now with Ashley in a luxurious boutique choosing her attire for the upcoming ball. The grandiose freshmen ball where I was too stunned of Becky's beauty 2 years ago.

I've been with a lot of girls since that night. I tried to deny my fascination with Becky.

I keep on annoying her instead. I keep a bantering relationship with her just like with Irin. Time has passed by, and I learned to live with my attraction. I learned how to sneakily look at her and appreciate her beauty when she's at the mansion. I give her favorite drink every chance I could get saying I just included her since I bought one for my sister. All the small gestures taking care of her claiming that she's just another little sister of mine. But I think deep down I know that it's because I like her.

"Does this look good on me" Ashley suddenly asked me.

The girl in front of me is undeniably good-looking but her smile doesn't excite my heart.

Her eyes doesn't beam with happiness to enlightens my day. No one does, just Becky.

I just agreed with Ashley and gave her a compliment that made her giggle. And I continued with my thought.

Becky and I have been having awkward short conversations every time we see each other through our gang. Just hellos, how are you, I'm good and goodbyes.

I don't know how to approach her. I don't even know why.

"Hey Freen, what are you doing here" a familiar voice exclaimed. My dear sister. And to my amazement Becky is with her.

"I just accompanied Ashley" I responded gesturing my hand towards the girl.

"Oh, your new flavor! She's cute but you had better ones." Irin unreluctantly said.

With her remarks, I looked at her with a dark gaze. As if silently telling her to behave coz Ashley is now approaching us.

"Hi, I'm Ashley, you are Irin right?" she has spoken towards my sister.

"Yes, I'm Irin, Freen's sister. And this is my best friend Becky" she replied.

"Hi there!" Becky responded with her sweet smile. So cute my little bear.

"Where is Saint? And what are you doing here? I asked them.

"He's just parking the car. And we're just here to claim the dress we had custom-made. Then we'll have dinner in this new place Becky found in social media" Irin answered me.

"Would you like to join us?" She added.

I wanted to decline but then Ashley abruptly answered, "Oh we'd love to. A group date instead.. or.. a family dinner. Whatever it is. We're happy to join.

Irin and I exchanged glances and my sister just rolled her eyes at me before going to the boutique counter. She does not like the girl, I understood her.

At the back of my mind I'm concerned on how the dinner will turnout. 

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