49 - SC - Surprise

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In the luxurious cabin of my private plane, I couldn't help but revel in the realization that Becky is now officially my wife. The mere thought brought a rush of joy, and the warmth of the moment enveloped us as we soared towards Bora-Bora. Her presence beside me was not only comforting but profoundly satisfying.

As the plane glided through the clouds, Becky sought refuge in my embrace, leaning against my shoulders and clasping my arms tightly. Her aversion to flying was evident, but I cherished the opportunity to be her solace in the sky. The rhythmic hum of the engines provided a gentle backdrop to our journey, accentuating the sense of intimacy that filled the air.

With genuine affection, I pressed a tender kiss to the crown of her head, unable to contain the happiness that radiated within me. "Are you okay, baby?" I whispered, the endearing term slipping from my lips effortlessly. In that moment, the reasons behind her unease became inconsequential; all that mattered was the connection we shared, soaring above the clouds, bound for a destination as enchanting as our newfound union.

She looked up to me, and I saw her cute smile. "Yes, Babe! I'm fine. I have you with me... m-my... w-wife," she stuttered with her new claim of me.

I couldn't help but blush and chuckle, "Yes, my wife, you have me." The exchange of those words, laden with newfound significance, deepened the sense of intimacy between us.

Reflecting on earlier concerns, I confided "You know earlier, I was afraid" I

"Afraid of what?" she asked.

"When Friend said you were crying and freaking out that's why Irin had them go out to talk to you alone, I was afraid that you changed your mind, that you no longer want to marry me.

"Oh! I'm so sorry for making you feel that way. Anxiety just made me overthink that time. But I know in my heart that I will marry you. And here we are now wife and wife, and we just started our happily ever after" she said

I smiled, the worry of moments ago now a distant memory, replaced by the radiant glow of love and assurance. "Well, I'm relieved to hear that. Imagine my heart sinking at the thought of losing you just before our grand adventure begins."

Becky playfully nudged me, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "You think I'd let you get away that easily? No chance, my love. You're stuck with me, and we're soaring together through life, quite literally right now."

I chuckled, reveling in the banter that had become such an integral part of our connection. "Stuck with you? Trust me, that's the best kind of stuck one could ever be. Besides, who wouldn't want to be bound to someone as amazing as you?"

And speaking of happily ever after, do you realize we're on our way to Bora-Bora? I figured our love deserved a scenic backdrop of turquoise waters and pristine beaches."

Becky's eyes sparkled with excitement, and she playfully nudged me. "You always know how to sweep me off my feet, even if it's thousands of feet in the air."

"I do my best," I replied with a wink. "But just wait until we land. I have a few surprises up my sleeve."

She raised an eyebrow, a curious and mischievous glint in her eyes. "Surprises, huh? Care to give me a hint?"

I leaned in, whispering in her ear, "Let's just say, Bora-Bora won't be the only thing leaving us breathless."

A shiver ran down her spine, and she shot me a sly smile. "Breathless huh? Make sure you live up to the hype" she teased

"Oh, you're playing with fire now, baby. I'll show you just how breathtaking our love can be, in every sense of the word" I grinned and teased her tracing a playful pattern on the back of her hand.

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