3 - Monthsary

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Book 2: So, this is Forever

3 – Monthsary

It's been an exhausting day at Forever Jewelries for Becky, who's been striving to clear her schedule for tomorrow—it marks another monthsary with Feen. While they've opted for a more understated celebration compared to their grand gestures in the past, choosing to reserve those for their wedding anniversaries, small yet thoughtful acts still remain. Becky believes these simple gestures will uplift Feen's spirits, especially given the intense stress she's endured over the past two months at Chankimha Industries.

Freen, at the helm as the CEO of Chankimha Industries, found herself entangled in a profound crisis of epic proportions. There was a huge mess when a secret operation in the company caused a big explosion at one of their factories.

After the explosion, investigators found out that some top people in the company did illegal activities. They didn't follow the rules for handling dangerous stuff, and they also took company money for themselves. It seemed like a group of high-up people was working together to do these illegal activities, putting the safety of the workers at risk and breaking the company's promise to do business in a fair way.

This discovery didn't just shake up the company physically but also made it seem like the company wasn't honest anymore. The sneaky activities showed that the bosses were ignoring rules about safety and the environment, and it revealed a culture of wanting more money that had spread to the top levels of the company.

Now, Freen had to deal with two big problems: fixing the mess from the explosion and figuring out who did the illegal activities inside the company. The fact that some top bosses stole money added more difficulty to the already complicated situation. Freen had to sort through lies and betrayal within her own team.

This surprising discovery put Freen in a tough spot. She had to make hard choices to stop these illegal activities from happening again. The explosion, which first seemed like a one-time problem, turned out to be a sign of a bigger issue in Chankimha Industries.

While dealing with all these problems, Freen had to put her personal matters take a backseat. The most important thing now was to make the company better, fixing the mess, making sure everyone acted fairly, and rebuilding trust in Chankimha Industries.

Freen's intense focus on a pressing issue created a noticeable distance from Becky. Despite understanding Freen's work challenges, Becky couldn't help but miss the closeness they once shared. Nights felt quieter, and the absence of their usual shared moments left a void. Becky, patient yet longing, hoped that once the work storm passed, they could rediscover the intimacy that defined their relationship. Love, temporarily overshadowed, held the promise of renewal.

Becky entered the master bedroom and sank into a chair, allowing the exhaustion to dissipate. She reached for her phone and messaged her wife, "Baby, what would you like for dinner? I'm home early, and I can cook for you." The message carried a subtle offer of care and an attempt to bridge the emotional distance that had crept in.

Then her phone buzzed with Freen's reply, "I won't be home for dinner or maybe I'll even stay at the office tonight. Sorry. Just enjoy the night with our daughter, tell her I miss her"

Becky, feeling a twinge of disappointment, responded, "Okay, just remember I'm here if you need anything. Take care, baby. Love you."

Freen replied, "I will. Kiss Zea good night for me."

Becky, while appreciating the thought for their daughter, couldn't help but wonder about the absence of an "I love you too." She pondered, "She misses our daughter, but does she miss me too?"

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