48 - SC 4 - Nothing's gonna change my love for you

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Becky's POV

"Iriiiiiiiiiin!" I exclaimed, my nerves palpable. "I can't shake this anxiety. What if Freen changes her mind? What if she no longer wants to marry me? What if I'm not beautiful enough for her?" I fired off a barrage of questions to my best friend while pacing anxiously in my hotel suite.

My glam team patiently waiting for me to take a seat so they could begin their work, and my friends observed me, concern etched on their faces as it seemed like my anxiety was gaining the upper hand.

"That's just wedding jitters, cousin. I had those. You can do it," Charlotte stated, attempting to provide reassurance.

Friend chimed in, "You'll be fine, Beck."

Irina, with a calming smile, took my hands and guided me to sit down. She began to rub my back, saying, "Becky, Freen is so in love with you. You know that."

"How... how sure are you? What if..." I gathered my hands to my face, and before I knew it, I started sobbing.

"Alright, that's it. Everybody out! Let me talk to her alone," Irina exclaimed, taking charge of the situation.

As my friends and glam team filed out of the room, leaving Irin and me in a nest of privacy, she pulled up a chair and sat in front of me. Her gaze was steady, filled with both empathy and determination.

"Becky, listen to me," Irin began, her voice soothing. "Wedding jitters are completely normal. Every bride goes through it. It doesn't mean Freen loves you any less or that you're not beautiful enough. She's eagerly waiting to marry the incredible person you are. Trust in her love, and more importantly, trust in yours."

"I am afraid Irin. What if... what if I cannot be the wife, she wants... she needs.... and she deserves"

"What if I let her down? What if I can't live up to her expectations?" I whispered; my voice choked with worry.

Irin leaned in, her tone earnest. "We're all human, Becky. We make mistakes, and we learn from them. Freen loves you for who you are, not for some unrealistic version of perfection. Talk to her about your fears, be open, and let her reassure you. Today is about celebrating your love, not about meeting impossible standards. You are more than enough just as you are."

I took a shaky breath, absorbing Irin's words. "Can... you call Freen? I want to hear her voice," I asked Irin.

Irin nodded and reached for her phone, but before she could even dial, we heard strong knocks on the door.

"Irin, open the door! I want to talk to Becky!" Freen's voice echoed from the other side.

I was about to stand, but Irin stopped me. "You can't! You can talk to her, but you can't see her," Irin uttered as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Baby, let's talk, please!" Freen continued, the urgency in her voice palpable.

"Call her, sister. You two can exchange a few words, but remember, no peeking, not even video call. The wedding magic loses its effect if you see the bride before the ceremony," Irin exclaimed.

"I will. I will, Irin!" Freen's voice came through, and we heard the thumps on the door stop. Then, a ring on the phone broke the silence, displaying Freen's name on the screen.

I took the phone from Irin's hand with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. Swallowing hard, I answered the call, "Hello?"

"Becky, my love, are you okay?" Freen's voice, filled with concern, immediately eased some of the tension in my chest.

"I am now. Irin talked to me and now I hear your voice. Just some pre-wedding nerves, you know?" I admitted.

"I understand, baby. I'm feeling it too. Tell me about it. I was about to knock down the door just to make sure you were alright. I can't stand the thought of you being upset." Freen responded with a warmth that made me feel cherished.

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