18 - What you think I deserve.

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Becky's POV

The door silently closed in front of me, but the soft sound felt like an explosion, jolting me back to the harsh reality of the situation. The sudden isolation and unanswered questions left me standing there, reeling from the emotional impact of what just happened.

"What the hell just happened?" I thought to myself as I attempted to retrace the events and understand the whirlwind of emotions and actions that had transpired.

Taking a deep breath, I checked myself in the mirror to ensure I looked presentable. Afterward, I left the restroom and made my way through the crowd, seeking out, my hell of a girlfriend, with the intention of clear the confusion between us.

I was greeted by a questioning expression from my best friend. " Freen left and entrusted us to take care of you and get you home after the event. What happened, Becky? "she asked.

I froze, my mind racing. "The hell, Freen? You just left," I thought to myself, my confusion and frustration growing.

"I—I actually don't know what happened Irin," I replied, my voice tinged with a sense of defeat, unable to explain the bewildering turn of events.

Determined to be there for Charlotte, I forced myself to endure the event, but it felt like an eternity. I clung to my phone desperately, checking it over and over, my heart pounding with every passing moment, yearning for a message or a call from Freen, my anxiety growing with each passing second.

Freen's words echoed relentlessly in my mind: "I can't do it." "I am sorry, Becky. I truly am." What in the world did she mean by those words? The uncertainty distressed my soul, leaving me desperate for answers.

My emotions were a turbulent storm, and I was on the verge of tears. With each fruitless check of my phone, the despair in my heart grew, and I felt a lump forming in my throat, my eyes welling up with unshed tears.

The event became a blurry backdrop to my overwhelming anguish, and I couldn't help but fear the worst.

As my cousin, Charlotte, was crowned the pageant winner, I allowed my tears to cascade down my cheeks. My heartache was so overwhelming that I had to conceal my sobs behind a veil of joy.

It was a performance worthy of an Oscar, as I masked my tears of pain with a convincing smile. The crowd cheered, assuming my tears were tears of joy, and I joined in the celebration, concealing the profound emotions of pain, frustration, and heartache.

At the Armstrong Mansion

As the pageant ended, the post-event party kicked off with even more energy. The grand ballroom of our mansion was adorned with opulent decorations, and people mingled, celebrating the success of the evening.

Amidst the revelry, I managed to steal a quiet moment with my best friend, Irin, who had been my steadfast companion throughout the evening.

Concern evident in her eyes, Irin said, "Becky, are you really, okay? You seemed deeply troubled since earlier."

I took a deep breath, my eyes welling up once more, and replied, "Irin, I... I don't know what to do. Freen left without a word, and I thought... I thought we had something special. I'm torn between being happy for Charlotte and feeling hurt."

Irin placed a comforting hand on my shoulder and said, "I can't imagine how you're feeling right now, but you don't have to go through this alone. We'll get through it together, and we'll find out what happened with Freen. You deserve answers."

Touched by her support, I nodded, grateful for the friend who had been there for me during this emotional rollercoaster of a night.


The beginning of foreverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora