31- Right thing to say

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Becky's POV

Tonight, marked the Armstrong Firm's Christmas Dinner, an elegant affair that required me to dress up and attend as the daughter of the owner. Fortunately, I had the company of a few dear friends in England, and my cousins were also in attendance, making the event more enjoyable and less intimidating.

The evening was filled with laughter, exquisite cuisine, and the joy of connecting with both familiar faces and new acquaintances, adding a touch of charm to our Christmas break in England.

Richie, who has spent more time in England than I have, extended a warm invitation to Billy, his childhood friend from their shared years in England.

As I observed Billy's presence at the event, I couldn't help but wonder if my brother's invitation was merely innocent or if he harbored intentions of influencing a decision that I needed to make. Seeing Billy brought forth a whirlwind of emotions, from happiness to hurt, sadness, and feeling of love. It was a complex mixture of feelings that left me introspective and contemplative throughout the evening.

While engrossed in a conversation with my cousin, I noticed Billy approaching my location from the corner of my eye. Instantly, a wave of nervousness washed over me, and my heart raced. The sudden appearance of someone who had stirred up a myriad of emotions left me unsure of how our interaction would unfold.

As Billy joined me, a warm smile graced his face. "Hey," he greeted, "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

I returned his smile, a mix of emotions swirling within me, but I aimed to keep things light. "It sure has," I replied.

"You always look stunning, Babe," Billy remarked, his words adding a touch of unexpected warmth to our reunion.

His compliment made my cheeks flush, and I couldn't help but smile. "Thank you! You're looking great too," I replied, the exchange lightening the atmosphere.

As my cousins excused themselves to let us catch up, Billy continued, "By the way, did you receive the flowers I sent? As soon as Richie told me you'd be spending Christmas here, I was filled with excitement, and I just had to send you some flowers to let you know I'm looking forward to seeing you."

His mention of the sunflowers stirred memories of the moment I received them.


"It seems to be a sunflower kind of day. Here's a bouquet of them that was sent to the council office for you," Irin exclaimed, grabbing my attention as she placed the bouquet on my table.

Curiosity piqued, I delicately searched through the sunflower bouquet, eventually finding a small card nestled among the golden petals. With bated breath, I unfolded it to reveal the message.

I was taken aback by the unexpected revelation that the sunflower bouquet was not from Freen, it is from Billy.

The message on the card reads,

I heard you'll be having a British Christmas. I can't help to miss you even more and get excited to be with you again. Let us fix whatever challenges our love. I cannot and will not let you go. I love you so much Beck!

-your loving boyfriend Billy.

Reading the message in the card evoked a multitude of emotions within me. Most notably, a sense of confusion welled up within me as I pondered the mixed feelings and emotions the message had stirred.

I found myself needing to take a deep sigh just to catch my breath. I carefully folded the card and discreetly hid it away from Irin's sight.

End of Flashback

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