31 - Hear me out

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Book 2: So, this is Forever

31 – Hear me out

The next day broke with a heavy weight in the air, the remnants of the previous night's festivities now replaced by a solemn quietude. Becky and Freen rose to face the day, still cloaked in the pall of grief that had settled upon them like a thick fog.

As they sat in the quiet of their room, each lost in their own thoughts, Becky and Freen couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that weighed heavily on their hearts. The failed IVF hung over them like a dark cloud, casting a shadow of doubt and self-blame over their relationship.

Becky's mind raced with questions, each one more painful than the last. "Was it something I did wrong? Could I have done more to increase our chances? Maybe if I had taken better care of myself, things would have turned out differently," she thought, her inner voice filled with remorse.

Beside her, Freen's mind echoed with similar doubts and fears. "I should have been more supportive. Maybe if I had been more attentive, more present, things wouldn't have ended this way," she mused, her thoughts consumed by guilt.

In their shared silence, the weight of their individual burdens threatened to drive them apart, each feeling responsible for the other's pain.

Becky's hand reached out to Freen, seeking solace in the familiar warmth of her touch. "I'm sorry if I pushed us to try again for another child, only for it to end in disappointment," she confessed, her voice heavy with uncertainty.

Freen gently squeezed Becky's hand, her own eyes reflecting the pain they both felt. "It's not your fault," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry I couldn't make it happen. Sometimes, I wish it were as simple as biology for me, too. If I'm just a man, it would be easier to try again, no problem at all. Just have sex and no emotional preparation, no hassle, and not too much disappointment. I'm sorry I couldn't get you pregnant this time. I'm sorry for not being enough...."

Becky's heart ached at Freen's words, the weight of their shared sorrow pressing down upon them both. "It's not about being a man or a woman, Freen," she said softly, her voice tinged with tenderness. "And you are more than enough, baby. I love you, and that's all that matters. And, well..., I hope you still love me, even after this."

Tears gathered in Freen's eyes as she listened to Becky's words, a glimmer of hope piercing through the darkness of their disappointment. She brushed away Becky's tears, her touch a silent affirmation of their unbreakable bond.

"I love you, Becky," Freen whispered, her voice filled with love and gratitude. "You haven't failed me, and you never will."

Becky leaned in to press a tender kiss to Freen's forehead, their hearts heavy with the weight of their shared pain.

A soft knock on their bedroom door shattered the heavy silence, drawing Becky and Freen from the depths of their anguish.

Freen rose to open the door, revealing their daughter, Zea, standing in the doorway, her eyes still bleary with sleep but filled with a childlike innocence and hope.

"Dada, good morning," Zea greeted Freen, her voice a ray of sunshine in the gloom of their room. She reached out, motioning for a hug.

Freen's smile broke through the clouds of their despair as she lifted Zea into her arms and carried her to join Becky on the bed.

Becky kissed Zea on the cheek, her heart swelling with love for their daughter. "Did you sleep well, my princess?" she asked, her voice filled with tender concern.

Zea nodded sleepily, finding comfort in the warmth of Becky's embrace. "I had the best dreams, Mommy," she said with a small yawn, her voice carrying the remnants of her nocturnal adventures. "I dreamed about flying with unicorns and exploring magical castles."

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