4 - Where is the boss?

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Book 2: So, this is Forever

4 – Where is the boss?"

"Becky, we need to have a divorce"

The words Freen uttered felt like an explosion for Becky. What the fuck is her wife saying. She knows Freen has been having a problem at her company, being the CEO with a lot to tackle during this trying times. Becky cannot seem to understand, coz she knows she did her best to be understanding. But all hell bounds if she was still lacking she is still willing to pour it all that she could to support and understand Freen, but divorce? No fucking way!

Becky's breathing starts to become uneven. "Why Freen?" What are you saying" she exclaimed now standing in front of a well seated Freen.

"I can no longer fulfill my promise to you when we got married. I can no longer be a good wife to you," Freen responded, bowing her head down as if ashamed.

"I don't understand." Becky shook her head

"Just sign it, Beck," she tapped the folder on the table and stood up.

But before she could step forward, Becky slapped her.

"What the hell, Freen? I haven't done anything wrong. I've been there for you, supporting you even when you weren't letting me in. Still, I haven't left you," Becky raised her voice.

"Exactly, you should have!" Freen shouted back.

"I don't deserve you. I haven't been there for you these past few months. Missed dinners, dates, and we haven't even made love for a while now. Even yesterday, it was our monthsary, but I was too caught up in this company problem that it only dawned on me when you texted me after waiting for me for dinner, which I think you had thought about."

"I couldn't bear to face you, so I wanted to forget everything. And so I got drunk and became another burden to you, and you had to take care of me even though I already caused you pain."

"Besides, if I cannot fix the problem, the main company will be bankrupt. I'll have to let go of my claim as a shareholder and CEO, and I cannot provide luxury for you and our daughter anymore. So, I'm stopping this train of disappointment and causing you further pain. Let's get a divorce," Freen ended her words.

Becky, now holding back tears, looked at Freen with a mix of hurt and disbelief.

"You're not stopping the train of pain for me; you're giving me the absolute pain there is — you're leaving me."

"Divorce won't fix this, baby. We can work through it. I love you, and I'm willing to fight for us."

"Just apologize for the lost moments and make up for it; it is enough for me."

"And I don't care if you're no longer the CEO of Chankimha Industries; we still have Forever Jewelries."

"And to hell with luxury! I don't need that! I need my wife! I need you!" Becky screamed.

Freen, with a stoic expression, remained resolute. "Beck, it's for the best. I can't keep dragging you down with me. You deserve better."

Becky, overcome with emotion, replied, "I deserve you, Freen. I chose you, and I won't stop fighting for us."

Freen, facing a torrent of conflicting emotions, remained silent, torn between the pain of separation and the fear of causing further harm to the one she loved.

"D-don't make it harder for both of us, Rebecca. I-I will let you go for your own good."

Becky hugged Freen, "Baby, please listen to me. That is not for my own good. You will break me, babe. There is no need for that. Please."

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