36 - Option

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Becky's POV

After freshening up and sleeping for almost two hours, I couldn't bear to stay away any longer. I asked our driver to take me back to the hospital to see Freen, but Richie insisted on accompanying me once more.

As we arrived back at the hospital, I felt a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. The conversation that needed to happen weighed heavily on my mind, but I was ready to confront it, guided by love and a hope for understanding and reconciliation.

My heart pounded with anxiety when I opened the door to Freen's room and discovered it was empty. A surge of panic and confusion washed over me as I desperately scanned the room, fearing her sudden absence.

Frantic, I approached the nurse's station, my heart pounding in my chest, desperately seeking answers. I turned to Richie, desperation evident in my eyes.

"Where is Freen Chankimha? The patient who was admitted here," I asked, my voice trembling with worry.

The nurse at the station checked the records and delivered a painful truth, saying, "I'm sorry, but Freen Chankimha left about an hour ago."

The words echoed in my mind, and the painful reality that she had chosen to leave me weighed heavily on my heart.

Grief and disbelief washed over me as I stood there, grappling with the profound impact of her decision. It felt like the final chapter of a story I had hoped would have a different ending.

In the depths of despair, I turned to Richie, my tears flowing freely. "Richie," I choked out between sobs, "she left me. Fre—Freen chose to leave me." My brother held me in a comforting embrace, offering solace in a moment of profound heartache.

"Will you let her?" Richie asked, his voice soft but piercing, prompting me to confront the most difficult decision of all.

Through my tears, I looked at Richie, his question cutting through the pain.

I considered Richie's question carefully, reflecting on the love I felt for Freen. It was a moment of reckoning, one where I had to decide whether to let her go or fight for what we had.

After a deep breath, I whispered, "No, I can't let her go. Not without trying to make things right."

With determination welling up in my heart, I wiped my tears, I replied, "I love her too much just to let it all end like this. I need to find her, talk to her, and make her understand."

Richie nodded in understanding, and in that moment, I committed to the challenging path ahead, ready to do whatever it took to mend our relationship and find our way back to each other.

"Good thing I asked Irene for their hotel details earlier," my brother remarked, offering a small glimmer of hope amid the uncertainty.

"Great," I replied, appreciating Richie's proactive approach. "I'll call her as well to confirm if they are still there." Our concerted effort to track Freen down felt like a lifeline, and it was a reassuring step in our journey to mend what was broken.

During our drive to the hotel, I called Irene. Her voice carried the weight of unspoken apologies. She revealed that she had kept Freen's departure from the hospital a secret, as per Freen's wishes. Desperation filled my voice as I pleaded for their current location, explaining that I couldn't bear to let Freen go without baring my heart.

"They are in the airport," I declared to my brother, my heart racing at the thought of catching up to Freen before she disappeared from my life for good.

My brother swiftly changed our driving direction, rerouting us towards the airport. With each passing minute, the anticipation and anxiety swelled within me, knowing that the crucial moment of reconnection or parting ways was fast approaching.

The beginning of foreverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora