28 - What if?

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Book 2: So, this is Forever

28 – What if?

As the private plane descended gracefully onto the runway, Becky stirred softly in Freen's arms, her head nestled against her chest. The gentle hum of the aircraft's engines lulled her into a peaceful slumber, her features softened in the warm glow of the cabin lights.

Freen looked down at her with a tender smile, her heart swelling with love and gratitude for this precious moment they shared. The memories of their magical trip to Paris still danced in her mind, each moment etched with the beauty of the city and the joy of being together.

As the flight attendant approached to inform them that they could deplane, Freen gently raised a finger to her lips, signaling for her to keep quiet. She didn't want anything to disturb Becky's peaceful rest; her serene expression was too precious to disrupt.

With utmost care, Freen lifted Becky into her arms, cradling her gently as she made her way off the plane. The flight attendant followed silently, understanding her silent request to maintain the tranquility of the moment.

Outside, the cool evening air greeted them as they descended onto the tarmac. Freen carried Becky with effortless grace, her love for her shining in every tender gesture.

As they reached the waiting car, Freen carefully settled Becky into the back seat, ensuring she remained undisturbed. She leaned down to press a soft kiss to her forehead before joining her.

As the car glided smoothly through the quiet streets, Freen stole glances at Becky, her heart swelling with love at the sight of her peaceful expression. She reached out to gently brush a stray lock of hair from Becky's face, her touch light and tender.

The journey home seemed to pass in a dreamlike haze, the gentle hum of the engine providing a soothing backdrop to their thoughts. Freen couldn't help but smile as she thought about the adventures that lay ahead, knowing that with Becky by her side, every moment would be filled with love and joy.

As Becky slowly stirred awake, her eyelids fluttering open, she was greeted by the soft glow of the car's interior lights and the comforting hum of the engine.

Freen's eyes lit up with warmth and affection as she noticed Becky's awakening. "Hey there, sleeping beauty," she whispered softly, her voice filled with tenderness.

Becky blinked a few times, her gaze adjusting to the dim light as she smiled drowsily at Freen. "Hey," she murmured, her voice still heavy with sleep.

Freen reached out to gently brush a stray strand of hair from Becky's face, her touch as delicate as a whisper against her skin. "Did you have a good nap?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine curiosity.

Becky stretched languidly, a contented sigh escaping her lips. "Mmm, the best," she replied, her smile widening. "I feel like I could sleep for days, especially after you wore me out even in our last moments in Paris," Becky teased, a playful glint in her eyes as she remembered their intimate moments before heading to the airport.

Freen chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling with affection. "Well, you couldn't blame me," she said, her tone lighthearted. "But lucky for you, we're almost home," she added, "and if you want, I can carry you straight to bed."

Becky's eyes sparkled with amusement as she playfully nudged Freen's shoulder. "As tempting as that sounds, I think I can manage to walk," she teased, her voice filled with laughter.

With a shared smile, they exchanged a knowing glance, their love speaking volumes in the quiet moments between them. As the car came to a stop outside their home, they stepped out together, hand in hand, ready to continue their journey side by side, knowing that their love would always guide them home.

The beginning of foreverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora