25- Rainbows and Butterflies

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Book 2: So, this is Forever

25- Rainbows and Butterflies

The morning unfolded with the sun delicately painting warm hues across the sky, announcing the dawn of a new day for Becky and Freen. As the initial light gracefully streamed through the curtains, the couple roused from their tranquil slumber, finding solace in the embrace of each other's arms.

Freen, still heavy-eyed with sleep, cast a gaze upon Becky, who was already awake, her fingers gently tracing patterns on her back. "Good morning, Baby," Becky whispered, planting a tender kiss on her wife's lips.

"Morning, my love," Freen responded with a sleepy smile, stretching languidly.

Becky delicately traced a finger along Freen's jawline, "You are beautiful even when you're sleeping."

Freen's eyes sparkled with affection as she pulled Becky closer, relishing the tender moments of the morning. "And you're the most beautiful sight to wake up to," she murmured.

As they luxuriated in the intimacy of the morning, they heard Zea's voice from afar, maybe in the hallway. "Mommy, Dada! I'm home!"

Freen yawned and playfully said, "I think that calls for a cup of coffee."

Becky chuckled, "Absolutely. Let's welcome our daughter. I'm sure Irin is here too."

The couple, wrapped in the warmth of their love, made their way to greet Zea, the joy of a new day further amplified by the presence of their beloved daughter. The sounds of laughter and the aroma of coffee filled the air, creating a harmonious symphony that resonated through their home.

Zea, the embodiment of boundless energy, burst into the house with infectious enthusiasm. "Mommy! Dada!" she exclaimed, hurling herself into the open arms of Becky and Freen.

Becky and Freen exchanged a warm glance, their hearts swelling with love for their vivacious daughter. "Good morning, sweetheart!" Becky greeted, showering Zea with affectionate kisses.

Freen playfully ruffled Zea's hair. "Did you have a good time at your Tita Irin's place?"

Zea nodded vigorously, her eyes gleaming. "Yes! I also enjoyed playing video games with Toto Noey last night!"

Becky and Freen exchanged a knowing look, directing their gaze at Irin, who skillfully evaded their silent inquiry.

"That sounds like so much fun!" Becky exclaimed, squeezing Zea in a tight embrace.

Freen grinned at Zea, "Toto Noey must have given you a tough competition in those video games, huh?"

Zea nodded enthusiastically, "Uh-huh! But I almost beat her once! Maybe next time, I'll win!"

Freen chuckled, "I have no doubt about that, my little champion. Now, how about we all have a delicious breakfast together?"

Zea's eyes lit up, "We already ate, but can I still have pancakes?"

Becky laughed, "Absolutely!

Freen gestured beside her sister and whispered, "So? Is Noey back in your heart or just in your pants?"

"Tsk! Freeen!" Irin gawked, shooting an embarrassed look at her sister, which only fueled Freen's laughter.

The laughter echoed in the cozy kitchen as the family settled around the table, sharing stories and enjoying a delightful breakfast. Pancakes adorned the plates, and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, creating an atmosphere of warmth and togetherness.

As they savored their meal, Zea excitedly recounted her adventures at Tita Irin's place, with animated gestures and laughter punctuating her tales. Becky and Freen listened with genuine joy, grateful for these moments of familial bliss.

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