chapter 19 - success

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Third person POV

6 hours earlier -

Before going up to Finn's room to help him with getting ready Esme was visiting Jaxon's mom to talk to her about being a Luna and how she felt and that Jaxon had mentioned it to her but she wasn't sure what she had to do.

"Oh honey, you're a born natural on caring for people and doing tasks as well and it will all come to you once you start classes. Do you want to become Luna?"

"I do. But what if I mess it up? I'm not ruining a picture here it's a whole pack" Esme tells her while drinking her tea. She's a worrier because of all that's happened before and she doesn't want to make a single mistake that could cost Jaxon his pack.

"Oh, darling. You're going to do great. When I first heard I was a Luna I threw up. The exhaustion never went away it only increased but over time I got better at it. I knew what was at stake there and I worried like what you are doing now but Jacob believed in me the same way my boy believes in you"

Robyn tried to comfort Esme while trying to get her to understand that if she wasn't prepared for it or if the moon goddess didn't agree to her speciality then she wouldn't have paired her with Jaxon who is Alpha material.

After speaking to Robyn, Esme asked her a favour.

"Robyn, can you do me a favour ?"

"What's up, darling?" She sure wasn't expecting her to ask the one thing she thought she would want Finn there for.

"Will you come to the woods with me so I can try to shift? Please. I want you there because if I can't then I don't feel like I'm letting both Finn and Jaxon down"

"Oh honey" she says getting up from her chair and hugging Esme tightly.

"I'd be honoured too. Let me just grab my coat and if it's successful then we will shift together and go for a run okay"

After a steady walk to the woods, Robyn is quick to comfort a nervous Esme and talk her through it. She's never seen Esme's wolf before as this is her first time as a shifter and she cannot wait.

The process has already started and Esme's letting all of her energy into shift. She's not crying or screaming the way Robyn assumed she would with it being the first and most painful shift instead she's looking up and she's smiling.

Esme's POV

I've been out here for about 20 minutes waiting to shift and my wolf is trying to do it but it's like I'm battling her to do it.

I see Robyn with a happy smile on her face and she's telling me soothing words. I'm ready to give up when I feel it.

All my bones breaking and twisting and my hands turning to full-on pours with the rest of me changing. I'm looking directly at Robyn who is almost crying and telling me to keep going and I can feel my whole everything changing. No one else is here which is perfect for me because I didn't want an audience I just wanted Robyn here.

"Esme you're doing amazing sweetheart! Your wolf is absolutely beautiful darling" she says with pure joy in her features.

She's soon to join me and we go off for a run, there's a pond about 5 minutes away she said and so we head on up that way.

We stop to have a drink and I think she's linking Jacob to tell him that she's out for a run.

Half an hour later after running for so long through trees and over the trees that have fallen We start to head back to where it began and I get a scent of Ocean and Lavender up my nose and I instantly recognise that scent. That's my mate's scent I tell myself

But I can't find him anywhere.

"You look absolutely beautiful princess" I hear through my link.

"Thank you! Where are you?"

"Turn around"

I turn around and I'm met with a huge grey wolf! Definitely alpha material is he.

"God damn your big..everywhere," I tell him and I hear his dad laughing in the background so loudly that Jaxon has to remind me that this is a family link they opened up so I could get a feel for what it will be like to talk to them if I'm in wolf form while laughing.

'Oh fuck' I turn around and I'm so glad that no one can see my blush.

"Don't worry beautiful. They can't see you blushing right now"

I don't say anything I just start laughing alongside everyone else.

"What are you doing here anyway?"

"Mom asked me to bring you some clothes because you shifted in your clothes and they're ruined."

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to see if I could do it I didn't want to let anyone down if I couldn't"

"Oh don't be sorry. It was a success and you should be absolutely proud of yourself. The colour of your wolf is amazing. Pure white wolves are not rare but we have never had one. But you're beautiful!" He tells me.

Once we had shifted back into human form and got dressed we headed back to the pack house we got a bit mucky well and Robyn did as we ran through puddles. But it was so much fun! I jump in the shower and then lay down for a bit on my bed in my comfy clothes.

It's nearly 5 o'clock and I go to Finn's room to start sorting out his suit for tonight. I was only there for a few minutes when he arrived but I made it seem like I was here for ages just to annoy him.

"Yes, yes I'm late. I'm sorry I was with Naomi." He said so casually.

"I'll let you off this time. Have you managed to talk to her know" he's playing dumb I can tell with his look on his face.

After we've spoken for a bit and we've got everything steamed for tonight I tell him that I will head to my room to get dressed and I'll see him at the reception hall.

I leave his room and I head to mine to get dressed and do my hair and make-up. I have never used make-up before but I have been testing it out on how to do it and blend it in properly which has been good.

I'm getting a mind link from Robyn to tell me that everyone's waiting for me and Finn.

Jaxon had brought me a beautiful black dress that goes down to the floor and it has gems and sequins all over it and some matching heals to go with it and it looks absolutely beautiful.

I knock on Finley's door and when he opens it my mouth is agape. My brother is dashingly handsome anyway I have always thought that but tonight...He looks mega handsome in his Tuxedo and his matching black shoes with his Hair gelled back a bit with a bit of it down the side of his face. He stood there looking at my outfit and offered me his arm for me to take.

"Esme... you look absolutely beautiful tonight. Thank you for doing this with me"

Oh you know it only took me being sick twice. A mind link from Jaxon asking if I'm okay because he felt it too and a few times telling myself I can do it then I can't do it and now I'm here.

"Thank you. You look handsome tonight and I'm so pleased you're doing this! You're coming on heaps and bounds bro"

We get to the stairs and I'm instantly feeling self-conscious as everyone's eyes are on us walking down. Try walking in 5-inch heels without snapping your neck, It is a hard task if you're wondering.

I see Jacob nudge Jaxon who is staring at me in his own world with lust in his eyes. That'll be blaze that. Always a horny wolf.

"My goddess. You look absolutely beautiful"

I start smiling and I'm instantly blushing at his words.

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