Chapter 25 - Esme

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Jaxon's POV

We had just finished up a big part of a deal with another pack when my head started banging. It doesn't feel like a headache but it's enough to make Blaze shake back in fear. A wolf who never cowers back.

"Jaxon man are you alright"

"My head. It's banging like there are voices but they are getting louder and louder, they are all rambling at the same time"

My office door swung open and a flustered Finley and mom who was running shouting for me. I manage to stand up but I hurts again.

"What's wrong sweetheart"

"My head. It's banging I don't understand what's going on Mom"

"Well, could it have anything to do with why you two have rushed in here" Charlie says.

"Look, it's Esme. You need to!"

I run out of my office and I'm on my way to my room when I hear her screaming. My head starts hurting again and I realise it's nightmares or night terrors, She's having nightmares again. I rush into my room shouting for her to wake up.

"Esme baby it's me...wake up"

Finley is quick to get to her as well as he's trying to talk to her.

"Why have these started again" I ask more to myself than anyone else.

"FUCK!. NO! OH FUCK!" Finley says. I'm looking at both Finley and Hunter who seems to know.

"CAN SOMEONE JUST TELL ME" I shout which scares my mom a little.

"Why else do you think it's started again man," Charlie says. My mom rushes and sits on the bed.

"Her family! They returned and this happens it's a psychological thing to her brain and all the traumas they inflicted on her are now haunting her dreams again man"

"SHIT. Fuck what have I done" I shout out. I kick some stuff around in my room before my mom is in my face trying to calm me down.

"Sweetheart don't destroy your room"

"It's either this or them"

She doesn't move out of my way so she chose her option of them.

"FUCK SAKE" I shout out loud taking a swing at the door and wall as I'm off out down the hallway. I know I shouldn't leave Esme but she has her family around her, I need them to see the damage they caused her and I can bet a pinch of jelly beans that they don't give a shit about her.

'Your pack are dead Langley' I mutter to myself. I have a treaty with them so I can't kill them, Maybe not but I can sure as hell make them see the pain she is yet again facing because of them. I should have known better.

I reach their guest rooms to find them all empty. I run outside and I'm about to curse the shit out of everyone when I see her mother.

"YOU" I shout at her.

"I beg your pardon young man" she says irritated by my words

"Good, you're pissed but not as much as I am. I've just left my mate with my mother because you have such a low opinion of her, You made her life hell and you made me angry. She has done nothing but prove herself here and I allowed you and your pack members here to make her still feel small. You walk around my pack lands like you don't even give a rat's ass about her and she's still having nightmares! Nightmares YOU lot inflicted on her" By this point a lot of their members are here and listening to a conversation I would love to just kill them all for.

"What are you even insinuating here Alpha"

"DON'T YOU DARE PLAY DUMB WITH ME!" Before I can even acknowledge what I am doing I drag her by her arms up to my room and the site before me gets me raging further.

"LOOK!" I'm pissed and I want to punch something so badly. My girl is still shaking in bed no matter what someone does to wake her up.

Her mother's face drops. Remorse on her face. Too late.

"What is she doing here Jaxon?" Finley asks with anger on his face.


"No. No don't even talk to me. My sister was getting on so well, my best friend is on that bed and I don't even know what to do to help her. For weeks we tried to help her with medications and the start of therapy. She wasn't well and she finally got her life back on track she was/is happy here"

He's in tears and all I can do is pull him into a brotherly hug. I don't hug males but the way he speaks up for his sister heartbreaks me.

"I don't know what to say," she says.

"NOTHING. You say nothing what you do is you get in your goddamn fucking car and you go. You drive out of here and you never contact me again or Esme. You're not our mother."


"You heard him. Leave them be. I won't be offering you back anytime soon."

She walks out of the room sniffling but I don't care.

"Alpha I'm sorry" Finley says.

"You have nothing to apologise for Finley"

"No I have to because there's only one way we figured worked to wake her up but you can't be here" he tells me, I'm curious as I know what he's about to tell me but no one lays a hand on my mate.

"What's that" I ask him

"She used to get me to slap her if it ever happened. It's a mind-cognitive thing we figured worked. It startles her brain enough to let her wake up.

"Do it. But I can't be here. I won't watch it. I'll be in my office if you need me. Let me know when she's awake"

15 minutes later Charlie has told me she's awake. She's warm and sweaty but she's awake.

I rush to my room and just as I'm opening the door she bolts it out of bed and straight into the bathroom. She locks the door and is instantly sick.

"Princess open the door"

"No you can't come in" she says before being sick again

"Get away from the door," I tell her I'm a concerned tone.

"Jax no don't come in plea.." she doesn't even finish the sentence before she's been sick again and I'm kicking the door down.

"Oh, baby. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let them back here I didn't think about it I'm so sorry"

"It's isn't your fault. I could have said no thanks and see ya but I didn't"

Even when she's been sick and looks as pale as a ghost she still manages to smile and make jokes.

" I have some calls to make this afternoon after the BBQ but I'm going to do them in here"

"What, in this bathroom?" She asks with a smirk on her face.

"You can't be doing that while being sick you know. All this stress is making you ill. After today you're going to have a few days to chill. It'll be Christmas Day in like what..."

"25 days Jax. 25 days " she says while laughing at me.

I kiss her on her forehead and she sinks herself into me while shaking. I go and put the bath on and I ask everyone if they are alright to leave as she's going to have a bath and they're fine to go.

She's still sick but I think it's just the stress and lack of food she's had.

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