Chapter 76 - Event

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Esme's POV

After the last few days I have come to understand just how hectic and amazing this life is! Robyn and  Jacob are looking after Zack while Finley and Naomi take a week off to go on their honey moon, me and Jaxon are planning the Spring Festival for the pack and I am so excited to get stuck in with it again! We aim to do many of these events when the weather is good, probably because we get bad winters. I mean we got such bad weather over Christmas that we had to get all of our groceries delivered to the pack house and that is A LOT of shopping for everyone.

"Hey princess! My mom baked these last night, mint chocolate brownies as per you requested" Jaxon says as he hovers over me wanting one. I've felt a bit of recently and I think it's the weather change for me and Robyn had been eating these Brownies when I had one and have been hooked ever since on them!

"Oh! Thank you! My stomach doesn't get queasy when I eat these" I say while giving my husband a kiss on the cheek and sitting back down to open the sweet...sweet smell I knew would make everything okay and I couldn't help but glance up as Jaxon sat across from me, Once he had sat down he began looking at me as if I had grown two heads or something, a comforting counterpoint to the feeling of being sick. My mint chocolate brownies, a recipe passed down from Robyn when I had to bake something to take my mind of finding out my mother had died. And yes...these bad boys were my secret weapon against the afternoon slump. It was a ritual, this afternoon routine of work and brownies, a small victory in a world that often felt overwhelming while working.

I was Luna, the event planner, over saw everything along side Jaxon, over seeing any issues that children may have and because I enjoy my duties and responsibilities', I don't see any of this as work. If a child is stuck on something and I am needed then I am there, no questions asked. Some of the teenage girls who don't enjoy talking to their parents usually come to someone like myself or Robyn, the packs former Luna for answers we may not have but try to find. It's not the glamorous, champagne-sipping kind of life some women prefer to have, but the behind-the-scenes, spreadsheet-wielding and planning type of life I crave and Love. My first assignment, a charity gala at the start of summer last year was a hit! Granted, I was heavily pregnant and very needy but I got the job done and we had raised a fair amount of money as well. Over a year ago, I had stepped into a world I knew nothing about, with no experience to speak of. But I had aced it. The event was a success, a testament to my tireless efforts and the magic that happens when you pour your heart into something.

Since then, the parties never stop, Finley and Naomi's wedding was just another one laid in the plans of this year. No new assignments apart from the festival, no calls accept the catering company, no emails apart from receipts and quotes for prices but this is what we all live for.

The phone rang, shattering the quiet. My heart skipped a beat. It was a number I didn't recognize.

"Hello? Esme speaking" I answered, my voice steady and normal which I have gotten used to doing instead of sounding nervous.

"Luna?" , warm voice asked. "This is Ethan. From papers" Ethan? Who is Ethan?

"Ethan? Yes, I'm sorry, It has been such a busy week. May I ask how you got our packs landline?" I said, trying to sound composed because No one that I know of has contacted the papers.

"Of course, basically I had been sent an anonymous letter about the work tyou and your Alpha have been doing in the community and we wanted to arrange an interview" By this point I think my eyes have popped out of my head and my brownie landing sock on the floor from shock. Jaxon is quick to stand and be at my side so I put the phone onto speaker so her can hear the guy on the other end.

"I'm sorry Ethan, Could you repeat all of that please so my husband can hear it please" I ask trying to sound causal but deep down I am freaking out and Blaze can tell.

"Of course. I'm calling about an anonymous letter that someone had sent in praising you and your wife, pack and people about an event you raised some money for, for the community of down town to help with food and living. I wanted to interview you both and see how you managed to get everything done and the way you did it. In other words I want to write about you and show the rest of America how thankful people are to have you"

My heart soared. This was it, I mean, I don't know who set this up but the pack have always had a good heart and I would love to show them everything we have done but it seems to good to be true.

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