Chapter 53 - Past likings.

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Esme's POV

I never thought that the day my parents decided that me and Finley were old enough to be living on our own would be the worst day of my life. We were both regular pack members at the ages of 13, Literally 13, it was our birthday when our father was raging about something, and living in our small but tight-knit community, everyone could most likely hear him. But everything changed when our parents sat us down, well not even our parents it was just our mother and she told us that we were no longer welcome in our own pack house.

It was a cold winter day, just a few days before Christmas. Finley and I were sitting by the fireplace, enjoying the warmth and each other's company as we always did. We were both excited for Christmas, and growing up we was always overhearing conversations about presents and what each of us got. Little did we know, the reason behind our parents' decision to kick us out was much more heart-breaking and cruel to both of us.

I still remember the words that came out of my father's mouth, his voice filled with hostility and anger. "You two are no longer welcome here. I have never felt more ashamed in my life than I have raising two bastards, We can no longer support you and we need to make room for our own family." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. How could my own parents turn their backs on us? Finley and I were just teenagers, barely old enough to take care of ourselves, let alone live on our ow but it's the comment about raising 'Two bastards' that got me...

"What do you mean father?" I ask silently hoping this is some sick April fools long lost joke and he's about to burst out into laughter at any moment. But my guess couldn't have been further from the truth if It tried to be. "I'm not your father. Your mother here had an affair just before we got married and I tried to raise you. I tried to love you like my own but I couldn't. You just wasn't mine and I couldn't love another mans children'

his words crushed me, It truly felt suffocating listening to what he was saying.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked at Finley, who was just as shocked and hurt as I was. We had always been close, growing up together in the same pack. Our parents were suppose to love us and my only good guess is that my father has given my mother an ultimatum and she's taken the option she couldn't live without. Yet somehow, we were practically raised as loved children who got everything so what has changed? I knew we looked more like our mother with the brown hair, the green eyes but I didn't think much of it. But now, it seemed like everything we knew was falling apart and she was just letting it happen. She didn't care.

We packed our belongings in silence, not knowing where we would go or what we would do. Finley wouldn't even look at them but all's I could do was stare, stare at the life I was hoping to be some kind of nightmare, a life that was actually still filled with love and happiness. My dad has never shown us any reason to not love us, yes he was distant but I assumed he was like it with all of us I didn't pay much heed to it all, why would I? He left the house shortly after not even saying goodbye to us. I couldn't understand why they were being so cold and heartless. But as we were about to leave, my mother pulled me aside and whispered, 'I'm sorry, Esme"

With those words, my mother left and we were left on our own, completely alone. Finley and I found the small house they told us about, where the key was and how to manage bills with the 'no money' that we earned. At the start we tried to make the best of our situation. But it was hard. We had to work odd jobs just to make ends meet and we barely had enough money to buy food, in fact no we was treated like shit as soon as they found out we was our mothers infidelity as too why we was actually here. We were struggling, but we had each other and that was enough.

As Christmas approached, I couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness and longing. I missed my old life, the fake life but I was happy in some ways even the warmth and love that used to surround us. But most of all, I missed my parents and even max and Frankie who avoid us most of the time. Daisy is everyone's favourite so she can do no wrong when she taunts us emotionally, her and her clang have always been better than everyone else. I couldn't understand why they had turned their backs on us, Why now? What changed and why they hadn't been so cold and distant before?

"Finley, why is this happening to us?"

his reply was sharp, we have been getting on great, I still see my father and Mother...I mean do I even call him my father or what? What do you call a man who has no love and respect for you?

"I don't know Esme but we have to keep trying to prod along. Get by kind of thing"

One night, as Finley and I were sat up on the worn out couch, I couldn't hold it in any longer and cried. 'Why do you think our parents kicked us out, Finley?' I asked yet again, my voice shaking with emotion. I am only 13 years Old I shouldn't need to be asking these questions...what I should be asking for is what's for tea or how to do my homework that I'm struggling with.

Finley sighed and pulled me closer to him. 'I don't know, Esme. But I promise you, we'll figure it out. We'll make our own family out of the two of us and we'll be happy.'

But I couldn't shake off the feeling of betrayal and hurt. I needed answers and I was determined to find them. So, I decided to go back to our old pack house and confront my father.

As I walked through the familiar halls the following day, memories came flooding back. I could almost hear the laughter and chatter of our pack members that we was once apart of, but now everything was quiet and still.

'Why did you kick us out, Dad? What did we do wrong?' I asked myself, trying to hold back my tears.

"I can't father a bastard child..." His words keep echoing through my head and I piece bit's of conversation together at a time.

finding my dad in the halls he turns to leave but I speak over him before I receive my very first slap from him. He has never hit me before but I guess todays just not my lucky day because it never got any easier from there.
After he slapped me he then proceeded to tell me the truth behind his hostility. Years ago, before I was born, my mother had an affair with a man from another pack. My parents hadn't mated yet so he couldn't feel it if she was with another man. but this was a man from a neighbouring pack. She became pregnant and gave birth to twins...Me and Finley but during our childhood he would try hard to love us, spend time with us and be that proud father, but as we grew up he couldn't see any of his features in him the way he could with Daisy when she was our age or even the other set of twins they had. My father couldn't bear the thought of losing his mate so he gave her the ultimate nudge too send us away which is why we got to from there on out.

My father who I now only see as Thomas had been secretly supporting his wife who had cheated on him and birthed two off springs of another man all these years ago, but when his pack found out about this secret she had going on he needed to make a change to save his reputation. The slap he handed me was a stinger...It hurt so much that even after he left me hanging in the hallway it hurt. The maids who I worked with demanded that he cut all ties with his illegitimate child and let them handle it which he did do. Thomas couldn't bear the thought of losing his position and status in the pack even though he was worth shit but still...he felt proud of his choice. That is where my torture began. I had to quit school, I didn't receive a good education if not anything at all. My life got turned upside down from the day I turned 13 years old.

Tears streamed down my face as I thought back to his confession. I couldn't believe that he had kept such a big secret from us. But as I looked at him striding along the pack grounds I only felt Anger and resentment to that whole family. I couldn't see any sign of the regret or pain in his eyes when he saw u, I only saw the happy side to him like he finally brushed off his burden. He had made a mistake that day and I always wished that he would carry that mistake to his grave if I ever got to be happy. I wanted them to see I was happy. That I did it without their help.

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