Chapter 54 - Finley

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Jaxon's POV 

It has been nearly a year since Esme and Finley moved to our pack house from the homelife they had previously. I still remember the day they arrived, with their tired eyes and worn out clothes. They weren't running away from their past because in some ways their past followed them everywhere they went, but they was more seeking refuge in our pack. And little did I know, their arrival would change my life forever.

I have always been a firm and strong leader, I have never needed to be told what to do since the moment my father stepped down as Alpha, but when I found Esme the way I did my heart took a big leap out of my chest at the thought of someone hurting her the way they did and my mind never got over how she looked when I first saw her. The fear in her eyes and the anxiety of ever being loved. Even to this day she sometimes has doubts about someone loving her but she places a lot of these emotions down to her tablets and I can probably agree because on bad days is when she is more likely to experience these emotions as expected. However; something about Esme arrival softened my heart a little. Esme was a beautiful and kind soul, with eyes that sparkled like the moon and a smile that could light up the darkest of nights when she finally understood that no one was going to harm her again. Finley, on the other hand, had anger and resilience about himself that we used to let him become who he wanted to be. It didn't take long on both counts for the pair to fit into our pack nicely.

with a sharp mind and a determined spirit.

As months passed, Finley proved himself to be a valuable asset to our pack. He trained tirelessly with our warriors, and his skills were unmatched a long with a sharp mind and a determined spirit. But what surprised me the most was how he and Esme had become an inseparable pair even to this day. They were always together at the beginning and even when Naomi was pregnant and then when Esme was heavily pregnant as well they still made time for each other, whether it was her watching Finley at training or just spending time in the pack house eating junk food and watching horror movies.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of longing every time I saw them together; it reminded me of how me and my brother have always been close, how we did everything together growing up, he was more my best friend than my brother. Esme had captured my heart from the moment I saw her, but I knew I couldn't act on my feelings then and there seems how they could deny me of any chances to take her with me. I had to let them believe they was getting rid of her for their greater benefit and not a gain on mine. As the Alpha, I had responsibilities towards my pack, and I couldn't risk jeopardizing our unity for my personal desires at the time but I wouldn't change anything about it all now. I love her with my whole being and our two children added into our little family only makes my heart full with pride and happiness. My two children will grow up happy and around all of their other family members. Around Love.

It wasn't until nearly two months ago when the waterside pack was ambushed and attacked by several rogues we gathered our men and our only true fighting warriors who have always being willing to put their life on the line to save our pack and our adjoining packs. Finley had chosen to come with us knowing the outcome of what could happen to Naomi and their child of he never came back alive, he knew the risks and yet he was willing to fight with his pack. His pride was put aside when we got to the pack and saw what we was dealing with, the mess that had been scattered out on the floor beneath us. He instantly went to a place that felt all to familiar to him he said and found his Mother, Joseph and Daisy laid out open on the floor, but he wouldn't have known where Frankie and Max could have gotten to. He searched around and fought rogues, got a bit bruised and bloodied but then he saw them...He saw them crouched down together behind a boulder of rocks crying and holding each other. He always said that they reminded him of him and Esme when ever things got too tough for one another. That everytime something happened they would huddle up close together and just be themselves.

As we returned to the pack house, victorious, I couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration and respect towards Finley. He had risked his life for our pack in orders to save someone he probably despised and gained nothing from it besides having his younger brother and sister living with us, and it was then that I realized how much he loved everyone even if they did him wrong.

I have always admired people who put their pride aside and then did what they didn't think was possible, face challenges they didn't expect to face and with Finley, it was having to tell his sister that their mother, older sister and Thomas had died from rogue attacks, he didn't know how she would handle it let alone handle having her younger siblings there with them.

 As the days passed and weeks then passed which led into nearly 2 months I was sitting in my office with Hunter and Charlie and going over the  next annual ball which was approaching quickly. I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and nervousness for my brother, Charlie, who had yet to find his mate even when he says shit like 'I don't want a mate. Too much trouble' I know him too well to know that he does want one he's just too stubborn to admit it incase I tease him about it like he does with me. This was the chance for my pack members to find their mates, and I couldn't wait to see the sparks fly if anything I couldn't wait to attend one this time with Esme on my arm.

The pack house was bustling with activity as preparations for the ball which was being held at The grey stone pack. and my Hunter also needed to find his first chance mate so he could hopefully stop been...politely speaking; a sex machine. Finley and Esme's 19th birthday were in full swing for preparation's, not that either of them had any clue what or when we was planning anything. I had all the members and the party planning crew keep it secret so they could enjoy a little surprise. Finley had apparently suspected something when he approached my father and asked why I was being so secretive towards Esme but he managed to side step it and make a lie out of this situation to save his skin from been torn by my mother if he let it slip what we was doing. I'd loved to see that happen but I couldn't...not yet.

As I walked through the pack house in search for tony who was training the minors this morning I couldn't help but overhear his conversation with another friend of ours about how he finds it romantic and lovely at how I am planning a special treat for his Luna. That he's proud to call me his friend and Alpha and that there...that made my heart melt more. Words of encouragement is something everyone should always get and I'll bear that advice of mine in my mind. I couldn't help but notice the delicious smell of food coming from the kitchen. My wolf, Blaze, was practically bouncing with excitement, sensing the possibility of finding our mate in there now that I have forgotten what I needed to speak to tony about. I couldn't deny that I too was looking forward to finding my other half baking and looking floury or even covered in chocolate. I have tried to be discreet but it is so hard when all's I want to do is tell her my plans.

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