Chapter 75 - Wedding day

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Finley's POV

As I stood in the room that my sister had prepared for the groomsmen I couldn't help but feel the twitch of anxiety and nerves running through my body. She said that she did it because if it was left to Jaxon we would be getting ready in the woods after a run which, Right now, wouldn't be a bad thing but apparently not with the look she gave him. My heart pounded with a mixture of Excitement and also Nerves. Today was the day I would marry the love of my life, The mother to my children and the one who has helped me fight many battles inside my mind when I first came here, who isn't afraid to call me out on my bullshit when needed which is a lot since she fell pregnant again. I must have repeated the words 'I get married today' countless times, but the reality of it still sent shivers down my spine. In a good way!

Naomi has always looked so radiant, composed and beautiful to me and she always will be but with a seven-week baby bump, she was glowing even to the eyes of others. She smiled so much even when she had back pain or when she felt like crap in general. I knew she was around, I could sense her nerves as well and she is also getting ready in the room next door.

Over the last few weeks since she has started to grow more, I had tried my utmost to be a considerate sleeping companion, if that's what you would like to call it anyway, but apparently, my snoring had been a persistent annoyance to the point where she wanted to smother me with her pillow. Understandable is what Esme said. Nevertheless, the thought of spending the rest of my life with her filled me with immediate relief and calmness.

My best man, my brother-in-law, slapped me on the back, his eyes twinkling with a mixture of excitement and amusement. "Ready, bro?" he asked jokingly knowing I was ready but he wanted to wind me up about my nerves that little bit more.

I took a deep breath and nodded. "As I'll ever be."
I say and then remember the "Have you got the rings?" which earns me a laugh from him because on his wedding day, Charlie held their rings up everytime Jaxon went to ask him something.

"Listen" I say feeling a little emotional with happiness right about now, "I couldn't have asked for a better Alpha...I really couldn't. You knew that night that Esme was your mate and you kept your mouth closed about it and made sure we was officially members of the pack before introducing her to the others and I couldn't thank you enough. She's happy you know. Last night she came to see me"

"She did?"

"Yeah. I mind-linked her asking if she was awake and she was just putting Delilah back to bed but she came and laid with me like we used to do when we needed each other. She told me everything happens for a reason and you showed up when she needed someone the most and she wouldn't change a single thing" I say feeling the emotions in every word. I can see Jaxon covering his emotions too.

"But on top of all of that, you have been patient with her, loved her, made her happy and made her feel something other than hatred towards other people and that...That I fucking owe you for. No matter what an Alpha would do on his good side you have become a brilliant brother-in-law. Your family have made us all feel so welcome and I have taken the privilege to have you here with me today" I finish only for him to give me a one arm hug.

"That means more to me than you will ever know. Thank you" He says as the door opens and my sister and Robyn walk inside.

"Now that the bromance is finished. Are you all ready because your soon-to-be wife just snapped at me to get the show on the road and I won't disagree with a pregnant lady"

Everyone laughs at Esme's comment which only gets me into groom mode and straighten myself out ready to see my lady.

"I'm ready. I will meet you out there" I say to my sister as I walk by kissing her head. "You look beautiful today Luna" I say because even though she is my sister and she doesn't mind me calling her by her name I still have to introduce her to everyone as Luna.

"Thank you baby bro" She says which earns me to sigh and groan. "5 Minutes Esme" which gets everyone laughing again.

Together, we made our way to the ceremony venue. As I waited at the end of the aisle for her to walk through, the music begins playing and even though it's outside and the start of warmer weather my skin is on fire. My gaze fixed on Naomi who slowly walked down the aisle with our father and Jacob, I felt a surge of emotions wash over me and tears fall freely from my eyes. She was breath-taking, her eyes sparkling with love and happiness and fixed on just me.

"Here you go son" my father says as he leans in and gives her a kiss on her cheek before patting me off the shoulder and then going to his wife who is my step mom and it has been weird calling her that, but I will get used to it I'm sure. then Jacob kisses the other cheek and heads to Robyn who is smiling so much right now.

"You look absolutely beautiful baby! So fucking beautiful" I say which earns

"You look sexy as anything Fin" she says which makes the heat crawl up my cheeks and showcasing to everyone just how much this woman can make me blush and feel tall even when I already am tall.

The ceremony was a blur of vows, laughter, and tears. When the officiant pronounced us husband and wife, I couldn't help but feel a sense of overwhelming fulfilment. I had found my soulmate, my forever and with no shame I pulled my wife to me and kissed her in front of everyone, causing plenty of groans and cheers but I didn't care.

The reception was the type of celebration filled with dancing, speeches, and the warmth of our loved ones but with a lot of 'I'm having a dance with your wife' 'Come dance with me' 'Are you ready for the little one to arrive' and yes...we are but I so badly wanted to correct them and say 'Little ONES' but I didn't, and yes that's right we are having twins. Two identical twin girls. As the evening progressed, I stole a moment away with Naomi to share a quiet dance on the balcony overlooking the garden.

"I can't believe this is real," she whispered into my ear as we have our first slow dance together now that the night time lights around us have come on and I can finally get a moment to appreciate my wife, her voice filled with raw and palpable emotions that I have seen plenty of but today it's such amazing emotions I can't help but smile from ear-to-ear. "I'm so happy, Naomi and I am so looking forward to our new life together" I say before adding. "I have a surprise for you" and that's when I pull out a set of keys. I spoke with Jaxon a few weeks ago about sorting a home on the pack grounds so I can still work on the training the younger wolves and the process went through 3 days ago so now I have a chance to tell her that we will be moving without keeping it a secret anymore.

"Me too, my love, and what is it?" She replied, holding me close.

"We are the soul owners of the house just down the road. It went through 3 days ago and we can move in whenever you are ready" I say which earns me a big squeal and hug along with "I fucking knew it." and I am gobsmacked at how she would know that but she doesn't elaborate, instead we dance into the night with our family and friends, with my sister having Zach for the night it gives me a chance to give my wife the time of her life.

As the night drew to a close, we retired to our suite, exhausted but filled with a sense of contentment. I couldn't resist stripping her down from her dress and getting her on the bed.

"I promise to be more considerate with my sleeping" I say with a wink followed by a "But tonight...your mine" I said with a mischievous grin.

She laughed softly. "I'll hold you to that."

We lay down on the bed, our bodies entwined. Kissing and running my hands down her belly that's holding our children, my mouth trailing kisses all over her, her breasts which are nice and full and her thighs which are already wet for me.

"Fuck, your already wet baby" I said with a low growl earning myself a giggle from her. I will always show her how beautiful she is and I will never forget how wonderful of a woman she is not only to me but to everyone else as well.

after hours of keeping her on the edge and then myself I couldn't put her through it anymore and pushed her to give me a good orgasm which lasted a while before we curled up in bed watching TV in the late night.

As I drifted off to sleep, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. I had married the woman of my dreams, and together we were embarking on a new chapter in our lives.

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