Chapter 60 - Day before the wedding

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Esme's POV

It's the day before mine and Jaxon's wedding and nervous is an understatement to how I am actually feeling. I have been dreaming about this day ever since I met Jaxon, my soulmate. But now that it's finally here, I can't help but feel jittery and anxious. I take a deep breath and try to calm my nerves as I sit in front of the window over-looking all the things going on today. Everything is happening as normal, everyone are going about their day just as they usually do but me...I'm getting ready for the day that I become Mrs. Hayes. I can't help but think about how lucky I am to have found Jaxon. He's everything I've ever wanted in a partner – caring, supportive, and always knows how to make me laugh. I am excited to spend the rest of my life with him.

But before I can do that, I need to get through today, the nerves that are eating away at me and no it isn't because I don't want to marry him because I do, everyone always has those pre wedding jitters and mine are here, it's just that mine are nerves about standing in front of so many people and showing my love to him and I have done it so many times but it just feels real when I think of how tomorrow will be. Jaxon is spending the day with his brother and his Best friend, as well as our children and I have no idea what they are doing or where they are going today I just left him too it, I did tell him I would have one of them but he apparently wanted me to enjoy my day and relax a little bit. So I am spending the day with Robyn, his mother, and my brother's mate Naomi. They have planned a day of relaxation and pampering for me, and I am grateful for their efforts to keep me calm.

I finish my makeup that I am looking at having tomorrow and take a moment to admire myself in the mirror. I am wearing a beautiful white dress with sequins going down both sides of my arms and a long vale, and my long brown hair is styled in loose curls with little diamond gems in my hair to pin it up in a nice little updo. I look like a princess, and I can't wait for Jaxon to see me.

I make my way to the living room, where Robyn and Naomi are waiting for me. They both look stunning, and I can't help but feel a little envious of their effortless beauty. But they assure me that I look beautiful and that Jaxon will be blown away when he sees me no matter what I looked like and I am so glad that I have someone coming in tomorrow to do all of this, this is just a little bit of a sample as you what I am wanting tomorrow. I walk into the living room and Naomi is quick to stand and take in the design I have gone for, I have never really worn make up before and no one here has really seen me in it unless we have an event and I need to look good enough on Jaxon's arm but that's about it.

"Wow! You look...You look absolutely beautiful Es!" Naomi says which gets Robyn to turn around and her motherly love towards me just makes me feel great when she says " you look absolutely beautiful! I am so proud of you"

We spend the morning getting massages and facials, I can feel the tension slowly leaving my body. Robyn and Naomi keep me distracted with funny stories and jokes , followed by a session of baking brownies and cupcakes and I am grateful for their company everyday but for today I think I would have been doubting myself so much if they were not here. They are like family to me, and I am lucky to have them in my life. Just then Jacob walks in and gives his wife a kiss on her head with a slap on her bum which only makes her glare at him and me and Naomi to laugh. They're great people and I am glad he agreed to walk me down the Aisle tomorrow! Even though I have found my real father now I am still wanting Jacob to do this honour for me and both men understood completely which was great.

"Good afternoon missy" he says to Naomi as he walks by and kisses her head.

"Good afternoon Jacob. Fancy seeing you in the woman's zone today" she says which gets a laugh from everyone. Naomi is this person who loves everybody, Has a heart of gold but a sense of humour...sometimes a weird humour but I guess that why she is mated to my brother.

"Didn't you hear? I am a lady for today. I smelt the baking and decided to head on in here. Anyway...Hello my dear daughter In law" he says while kissing my head as he did with his wife and Naomi.

"Good afternoon Jacob. Are you all prepared for tomorrow yet?"

"Yes darling. Jaxon is a mess though" and that got my attention because was he a mess because he doesn't want to marry me anymore?

"What? has he changed his mind? Does he not want to do this anymore?" I ask in a frantic tone which gets Jacob a clip around the ear from Robyn. "Oh honey...No darling he does I mean he went for a run earlier and hasn't shifted back into his wolf form yet. The nursery staff have both the babies this afternoon so he can run and let some nerves out before tomorrow. I think he is more annoyed because he can't sleep next to you tonight" He says which makes me relax a little bit.

While calming my racing mind I get a mind-link from Jax which surprises me because he could have just texted me but I guess hearing his voice makes me feel much better. 'Hey princess. Are you alright?'

'Hey you...Yeah I'm okay, Your dad just shit me up a little bit and I thought you was having second thoughts about tomorrow that's all and don't be upset that your not with me tonight at least you don't have to share a bed with Naomi....I do' I say while chuckling.

'Yeah I'm glad I don't have to I'm sure your brother would have something to say about that' He replies back with quite a bit of humour in his voice which makes me feel more relaxed about the situation.

After baking and cleaning up, Robyn directs us both to the back room where we had our massages and Instead of finding the masseuse, we find a nail technician. Admiring our Nails get done, I decided to have gone for the French manicure, it's casual length and look amazing. They look bridle style, once finished with them we head to my room after Robyn has gone to finish off some last minute things and this is where we indulge in a box of chocolates while watching Re-runs of. We laugh and reminisce about the past year, Only about the good times and the laughs we have had, the times her and Finley have been so deprived of sleep that they just sleep through out the day and I can't help but feel a sense of warmth and love in the room. Robyn and Naomi have been there for me through thick and thin since I arrived, and I am grateful for their unwavering support.

As the day goes by, and evening is approaching, I start to feel more relaxed and at ease. But as the evening approaches, the nerves start to creep back in. Naomi notices my change in demeanour and tries to distract me with a movie. But it's no use; my mind is consumed with thoughts of tomorrow. The good more than the bad but In the end the bad over-powers the good.

Robyn suggests that we do a practice run of the wedding ceremony to help calm my nerves. She plays the role of the officiant, and Naomi stands in for Jaxon. And Robyn stands in as the priest. I couldn't help but chuckle as I imagine these two and how they thought it would help me and in some ways it made me smile that they would want to do something like this just to help. Over the next hour we went through the vows and exchange rings, and I can't help but tear up at the thought of marrying the love of my life but also laugh my head at the fact that Naomi drew on a beard and faked a males voice just to put all of my nerves at ease.

After the practice run, I felt more confident and ready for tomorrow. We spend the rest of the evening watching romantic comedies and indulging in more chocolates. Before I know it, it's time for bed, and I am grateful for the distraction of the day but my eyes need the rest.

As I lay in bed, I can't help but think about how much my life has changed since I met Jaxon. I never believed in love at first sight, but when I met him, like properly met him and found that he was a great guy and the perfect mate I knew he was the one. He completes me in every way, Satisfies me in more ways than one and treats me like the princess he wants me to feel and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

I drift off to sleep with a smile on my face, dreaming of tomorrow and the start of our forever.

Rejected by one Alpha, Loved by anotherHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin