Chapter 28 - Christmas season

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Esme's POV

Before we officially called it a night me and Fin decided to go for a walk, now that I'm pregnant the doctors don't recommend that I shift as it can cause stress to my body.

"I can't believe I'm going to be an Uncle Es! This is the best piece of news I have ever heard" Finn says while walking with me and gulping down a full can of cola.

"I told Robyn first, I needed to know and I needed someone who can relate you know I hope you're not mad"

I've been extremely emotional recently and I can kind of guess why now. I'm happy and excited but I'm super scared.

"Why would I mind? Knowing my big mouth I'd have gone and jumped on Jaxon and told him myself" he says while laughing and eating.

"Dude we just had pizza and you're still eating...are you pregnant?"

He starts laughing at me in my face

"What are you laughing at?" I ask him.

"Your funny-looking face Es" I'm a little confused as to why he said that. It wasn't even funny.

I don't give him a second before I turn around and begin to walk away.

"Es where are you going"

"Fuck you. Leave me alone" I tell him. I'm probably overreacting but I don't care. I decided to walk around the pack compound before I headed to my room for the night. Jaxon will only ask why I'm crying and I can't tell him something as pathetic as this so it's best if I go to my room and sleep there tonight.

I bump into Charlie when I am rounding the corner for the stairs and he knows I've been crying but he doesn't let on that he knows.

"Evening. What's wrong" he says with concern

"Nothing I'm just tired I think. I'll see you in the morning beta" I say back to him. I've never really called him Charlie to his face I guess I don't want to think I'm entitled to just because of my situation.

"I tell you every time you call me beta that it isn't needed, just Charlie will do," he says while laughing.

"Good night bet...Charlie"

"Good night Esme"

Once saying night to Charlie I begin walking to my room, there are only a few pack members walking about and they all greet me with hugs and cards for me and Jaxon and my heart feels really warm and happy at this moment. I have a quick conversation with some of them and then excuse myself to go to bed.

I make a note to lock my door tonight and go straight for the shower. I turned my link off for the night so I don't have to explain anything to anyone. Not that I have to anyway.

My phone pings. I know it'll be Finn. He's the only one who ever texts me.

It rings and notifies me with another text as well. I pick up my phone and am surprised that it isn't Finn.

Jaxon: where are you? You okay?

I don't reply I just go to the shower instead and while it's warming up I brush my teeth and get undressed. I hear my phone going off again but I block out the noise. I go back into my room just as I miss a phone call from Finn and one from Jaxon as well.

Finn: I've told Jaxon that you're shutting yourself away. Don't expect to keep your door on its hinges tonight.

Me: Why would you tell him anything?

Finn: because Esme...not only is he your mate but he's stood right next to me reading it and was worried for you.

Finn: so open your door.

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