Chapter 45 - Smiles

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Esme's POV

It's 12:30 on a Saturday afternoon. Me and Jaxon have spent the last week trying to plan an outdoors entertainment session for the people of our pack. We've managed to order medals and packs of little gifts for everyone taking part and have managed to settle for a Buffett tea for everyone out on the open field.

Some games are for adults and out of 500 pack members for the adults there was 268 people who have signed on to join us and I couldn't be happier. The children, with there being 94 children , 65 have signed up to join. Apparently teenagers don't find it as cool to join in these kinds of things they prefer to sit back in the sun and play on their phones which isn't a big issue. There are still plenty of people here who are willing to do this for a good time and for a bit of a laugh on a Saturday afternoon.

I'm starting to show a little more now and little lady is starting to kick which is absolutely brilliant unless it's at 3am and she leaves her foot in my ribs. Slightly uncomfortable to say the least.

"So are we all sorted for this afternoon?" Charlie asks as he approaches me and Jaxon in his office sorting the last of the names out for our list.

"We are but could you do me a huge favour?" I ask while giving him my sad doe eyes.

"Why do I have a feeling I'm not going to like this" he says while eyeing his brother.

"You're not. But could you run down town or drive whichever works for you and could you pick me some ice cream up please? I've got a thing for chocolate ice cream"

He eyes me as if to say that that's Jaxon's job and it probably is but I need ice cream and he's busy.

"Sure. But on one condition" he says casually while leave up against our office door.

"And that is what?" I ask placing my hand on my hip. Making eye contact with someone was never my strong point, I couldn't do it here for weeks before I realised that it was okay, my entire teenage years growing up I have never experienced the humiliation and hurt that I faced for 5 years at Alpha Dylan's pack. It wasn't even the worst thing that I got but some how not been able to answer a question when been asked one and then facing a slap or two because I didn't answer or if I did I still received one hurt most.

"We sit and finish our greys anatomy episodes tonight with the ice cream. That's if Mr I'm working over here will watch too" he says while pointing to Jaxon and smirking.

Over the last few months me and Charlie and sometimes Hunter and Robyn if Hunter isn't busy with women in his room that is, will watch Greys anatomy down stairs with ice cream and junk food and now I have an excuse to always eat that junk food. I have a family here and I have the respect I never had previously. I refer back to my old life sometimes and I think of a question Finn always asked me when we were still living there.

"Would you change any of it? Wouldn't you just love to go and never come back" and honestly I can't say I would change it.

I know you're probably thinking "but why? Why wouldn't you want to just go and never go back" and it's an answer I use to spend nights here awake for. And it's simple.

Home. My home was with Finely, the years we spent together and the time we spent helping each other train or laugh at silly little things, the time Jaxon saved both me and Finley from a life of torment and torture, I met his family and his home and over time this has become my home. If I moved and became rogue I'd of ended up killed because of how weak I was, how pained I constantly was and I wouldn't have met him. I wouldn't be sitting here now discussing ice cream and the things I never got to eat when I hit the ages of 13 because I was a slave.

- An omega.
- Nothing.

"Okay fine but it better be a good tub of ice cream! And good chocolate too" I say while he's backing up out of the door. Jaxon knows I have a good bond with everyone and sometimes when he's working late I allow myself to just relax and have a bath or watch tv downstairs and it's good.

"I'm off to get Reggie! I will meet you at the field in 40 minutes. Do not be late" I say while picking up my brownies and making my way out of the office.

"Yes boss" Jaxon says while he salutes me out and I just have to chuckle to myself. I find it hard to stay serious with him.

An hour has passed and the games are about to begin, we're starting with an adults sack race which should take 3 minutes but in some of their defences it will take 6 minutes if they keep tumbling like last time.

"On your marks"

This is where everyone places themselves with a good stance for setting off.

"Get set"

"GOOO" I shout through the mic and to be honest they're not doing too bad, my guess of 3 minutes was apparently dramatic of me. My bad.

"And the winner of the Adults sack race is Kevin!" I announce through the cheering crowd and an out of breath Kevin.

"No it's time for the children's sack race and I can guarantee that these little cherubs will be faster than you slow adults" I say while listening to everyone laughing and cheering for their children. These are the things I cannot wait for when my 2 get to there age and there level of joy in taking part in activities set out for everyone.

"Okay my little cherubs are we already" I ask while walking to the starting line. Looking at each determined child ready to win.

"Okay guys just remember that even if you don't win this one there are many, many activities for you to each participate in and every single one of you is a winner already okay" I say while going by and getting high fives from everyone.

"Yes Luna" the say in unison which melts my already warmed heart.

"Okay. On your marks"

"Get set"

"GOOOO" I say a little bit more enthusiastically to the children than I did the adults.

"Your really good with them princess! You've been so good to everyone and everyone loves you" he says while breathing against my neck causing my skin to prickle out in good bumps.

"Yeah, yeah you're just trying to get me to surrender to you tonight but not happening Mr. I've got plans" I say while cheekily grinning at him as his hands still roam around of my waist pulling me closer to him.

Not this time.

"I'm busy baby! Don't turn me on here" I say while leaning back and placing a kiss on his lips.

"Hmm. But I'm too excited to wait" he says while keeping me on my feet otherwise I'd have fallen already.

"Later. I promise. Now go and see your mother she was asking for you earlier and I told her you was being antisocial"

"I was not you cheeky..."

"And the winner of the children's Sack race is our little Amelia! Well done Amelia" I say through the mic while side eyeing and smiling at Jaxon in a very nice way which is totally innocent.

This earns me a scowl and then a slap on the bum.

"I'm holding you to your end of the bargain later" he says as he scoots off towards his mother.

Rejected by one Alpha, Loved by anotherOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz