Chapter 26 - scans

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Esme's POV

Sunday afternoon went smoothly after everything that had happened. I didn't manage to eat much as I felt queasy but I put it down to the stress and the pregnancy that I haven't told anyone but Robyn about.

I sat and laughed with everyone the best I could but I didn't know what else to say or do I just wanted to curl up in bed with Jax and Sleep.

After the BBQ we called it an early night and laid in bed watching the vampire diaries all night before sleep finally took us both.

The next day Robyn had told Jaxon that we were going to have a girlie morning shopping and he gave me his black card so I could go shopping. I didn't want to use it I tried to hand it back but Robyn told me to make the most of it.

We got to a hospital outside of the pack as if we went to the pack doctor then he would surely find out and I wanted to give it to him tonight when I knew more. Not even my brother knows yet and I'm so scared for people to know.

After waiting for a while I was finally called in and she took a quick pee sample and clarified that I was pregnant, she drew some blood and said I would receive them within 24 hours which was good, I didn't mind waiting. She then did a scan to make sure everything was going well which was good news.

We saw mine and Jaxon's little pup happily snug inside my stomach and my eyes started watering. I'm 2 weeks along and he or she is perfectly healthy and getting big already.

"Oh darling don't cry!"

"I promise they are happy tears"

We got a few scan photos and I tucked them inside Robyn's purse for safekeeping until tonight.

We go to a few stores and I'm just about to pay for a half-pink, half-blue baby grow when Robyn tells me she will buy it or he will know that I went to a baby shop. I tell her I'll pay her back but she doesn't allow me to.

Once the baby grow had been personalised we left the store. I was happy with what it said and it only took 5 minutes if that. It says

'Hello, daddy. 10 more weeks and I get to meet you imprinted on it and I feel my heart swelling with pride and happiness.

The rest of the day goes by quickly... soon we are all eating tea and discussing our day. Finn tells us that he and Naomi had gone for a picnic today and went for a long walk which turned into them shifting and running everywhere together which we all found cute.

"How was your day beautiful" he asks me from the side of me.

I hold my grin because I know something he doesn't and if he notices now he won't stop guessing.

"It was lovely. Thank you"

"You didn't spend much"

"No, I only got some sweets and drinks and popcorn etc for tonight's marathon of TVD. So game up cause we have reached a good episode"

He starts laughing while placing a hand on my thigh. I can feel myself getting wet and I know full well he can too.

"If you don't want me to bend you over this table right now I'd stop" he says with a hint of amusement in his voice.

Later on that night after 2 rounds of making love we are laid naked in bed eating food and watching Caroline turn into a vampire while Bonnie disowns her for it.

"I love you Jax you know that right"

"I do baby. And I love you too"

3 days have passed and I'm a ball of nerves today. I didn't do it the other night because it had been a long day and we both just wanted to get in bed and relax. I'm extremely tearful and I know full well why.

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