chapter 44 - Games day

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Jaxon's POV

After getting the news that Esme is pregnant again my heart felt so full and happy. My
Life and soul giving me chance after chance to better myself and she's basically given me everything a man could only dream of.

Over the last 9-10 months Esme has become more confident, has opened up more and more with people she plans to help throughout the pack on self care and how there's always room for growth and kindness. She's helped teach some of the younger pups how to politely ask for things, how to approach someone if they need something as well as providing that stability they want when coming into school and it melts my heart every single time I see her. I didn't know how to respond when she came to my life, she calls herself damaged goods and that she couldn't give me what I needed but she has. She didn't plaster it on banners or shout it out, she simply gave me the will to keep going and live. I spent 5 years Mateless and the moment I knew she was my mate, the moment I laid eyes on the terrified, pained and tired woman in front of me
I knew that she was mine to keep. Mine to protect and mine to cherish until my last breath.

"You okay baby?"

Speak to the devil.

"Yes princess I'm more than okay. Just planning some things for the games day tomorrow"

"Games day?" She asks point blankly at me.

I chuckle at her expression, it's cute and I wish I had my phone on me to capture it.

"I told you last week that it's our games day this week. You told me you'd play with me" I say throwing a wink her way. Which earns me the greatest glare from that beautiful face of hers.
"I play with you whenever you ask and no other woman...she-wolf...anyone is seeing what's rightfully mine Mr. I don't mind who see's"

The playfulness in her tone is back but the glare still remains fixated on my face. A man who doesn't bow down to anyone bows his head to his wife or life long partner. And boy do I bow my head to her. I'd give my last breath just to make sure she is okay and safe from harms way.

"Look, my beautiful...Amazing, lovely wife to be"

"Oh no. Don't you sweet talk me Alpha...I'm not here for you to sweet talk me I'm here because word has it that you've got something of mine"

I'm a little puzzled at the start because I don't even need to play dumb I... confused is what I am.

"And that is?"

"My brownies"

"Seriously Es. I thought it was something serious" I say with my face semi smiling... and I believe that was me digging my own grave because the look she's throwing my way only indicates that I am now in the bad books. But fuck she's so damn beautiful. Even more sexier when she's mad.

"Give me my brownies and leave me alone" she says walking towards me but me and her both know I can't do that. She's nearly 8 weeks pregnant and is more angrier this time round than she was when we had our little boy who is almost 4 months old already.
She moves closer to me and I'm relaxed around her presence, I don't feel stressed or annoyed with work because she's here and I love it. I pull her closer to me leaning my head against her belly and I talk to our little girl who's growing nicely.

"Okay so mommy's in a stressed mood, and you won't let her sleep much little girl. Let mommy have a bath and a massage in peace and then when you're here we will pick on mommy and Reggie together okay. Good girl"

I make the mistake of looking up to Esme who's crying and I feel like somethings wrong. Instantly on my feet checking her over and making sure she's okay.

"Princess what's wrong?"

"Nothings wrong"

"Don't lie to me. Why are you crying?" I ask a little more harshly than I intended to. My bad.

"Because that was so sweet and loving and it made me so happy. I can't help it I'm very emotional today"

I chuckle and again I'm digging my own grave because this small, petite beautiful woman has force in her that shocks me too.

"Go away Jaxon"

I pull her back and I cradle her into my arms on the sofa. I rub soothing circles on her back and I make sure she's sat comfortably before mind- linking Charlie to make us a brew. He's quick to say okay because if he doesn't then he knows she will get even crankier than she is now and that's not what she needs to be doing.

"Baby listen. I'm not laughing at you to be mean. I laughing because I find it cute, but I'm sorry okay. I won't do it again"

"Yes you will. Alana has seen you checking my fat ass out when you walk behind me don't even get me started on the smirks she's caught you doing since we've had Reggie"

She's a little snake that wolf.

Actually boy she's my little wolf not snake.

Piss off blaze.

"You mean this ass" I say while grabbing her bum in my hands which earns me a squeal and yeah...there it is. Jaxon Jr growing nicely in my boxers.

"Hey!" She says as she stands up and rounds my desk. Probably embarrassed now that Charlie's walked in.

"Hi Charlie" she says while adverting her gaze to the cup of tea and donuts on a tray.

"Mom thought you could use a sweet treat to go with the horm..."

I shit him a glare that basically warrants for him to shut his mouth before we're both digging out our own graves.

"I mean..."

"Don't even go further Charlie or we're going to be having a discussion about stitching"

"Stitching what" he asks.

"Your twos mouth shut" she says while flicking through some files again. Not even looking at both of us.

"Sorry Luna. Consider me leaving my apology" he says as he turns away and shoots me a wink.


"So what's this games day for" she asks while drinking her tea

"It's just something I thought we could all do, get the kids together and involved, do a picnic buffet and enjoy the last of the winter fun before the red hot summer peaks its way in"I say while snaking my way around her and cuddling her from behind.

"Okay well let me plan the day and we will discuss it all more when everyone's had a chance to think of something they'd like to do to that way we could come up with some prizes for winners and medals for each child so that they have something they feel they've won"

"That my princess is a brilliant idea. Let's get cracking then"

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