Chapter 55 - Twin's birthday

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Jaxon's POV

Today is the day that my mate and also my best friend Esme turns 19 years old and I couldn't be more excited. As the Alpha of our pack, it was my duty to make sure that her birthday was celebrated in the grandest way possible as we do with big birthdays for anyone in the pack. A party is held, gifts are handed out and food is always a bonus. Esme was not just any ordinary member of our pack, she was the Luna, the one who completed me and made me a better Alpha as well as keeping most of us all happy with day games and planning things that anyone can join in with. She was the missing piece I needed in my life.

When I first met her as you know she wasn't in the best place, She wasn't wanting to find anything more than stability and a place to call home, I didn't want to rush things with her, I wanted her to feel comfortable to come to me and eventually, she did. Thankfully.

I had been planning her and Finley's surprise party for weeks now. The outdoor hall was beautifully decorated with fairy lights and colourful balloons, and it could hold up to 700 people. I wanted her to feel special, and I knew that she would be surprised when she saw the effort I had put into it as well as most of the pack. Naomi who is Finley's Mate had also helped and got a lot of things sorted for him as she knows him better than I do but I managed to snag a fair few ideas for gifts for her and a lot of them I'm hoping she will use. Bath bombs, chocolates, a special bracelet with our son and daughter's name on it and some extra charms for it, new Pyjama sets, fluffy get the hint.

As the sun began to rise I walked into our bedroom with breakfast and some of the gifts that I wanted her to open from me, her smile was obvious and genuine when she spread her arms out for both of our children who were smiling as well...well Delilah was babbling while making noises with her fist in her mouth but she was content. "Good morning beautiful" I say while leaning over and kissing her before handing her breakfast and her tablets, Handing her the morning tablets became a regular thing it makes us both remember that she has had them and they are starting to work better for her now...fingers crossed that she begins to stay her happy self! "I think It's somebody's birthday today isn't it?" I say while passing over some things for her and her smile only grows wider with the obvious tears in her eyes.

"Jax...You didn't have to do this" she says but I know I did well, I didn't need to I wanted to because she's not had a birthday gift from anyone for 5 / 6 years so I only want to make up for the time that she never received one. "I know I didn't, but I wanted to"

As the day went on and we all ate breakfast together, Finley and Esme exchanged some gifts, and my mom and dad made a fuss of them as always, we had managed to have a bit of a chill day with Reggie and Delilah watching some sing-along cartoons before they went for a nap, after that, we had gone for a shower together and spent a little bit of time to ourselves which ended with both of us satisfied, to say the least. Over the last couple of weeks I have tried and almost failed to keep this party a surprise for both of them but trying to keep two very inquisitive people out of the surprise was extremely hard, especially when they both ask questions which are quite hard to answer without spilling the secrets.

As the sun started to descend I had gotten Esme a lovely long, sparkly black dress that looked beautiful on her along with the necklace my mom and dad bought her for her birthday and some silver heels to wear for tonight. I got a mind-link from Charlie explaining that the pack members had started arriving at the hall, dressed in their best clothes waiting for the twins to show. We don't have many twins in our pack but the ones we do have are very close and very much alike, Just like Esme and Finley. I mind-linked Naomi to tell her and Finley to meet us at the top of the stairs near the front door which she responded with "Yes Alpha, Already leaving our room now"

Going back into our room I spotted Esme standing there with her hands on her hips and a smile on her face. "How do I look?" She asks...but fuck I couldn't even give her the right answer because I was so speechless at how breathtaking she looked tonight. Reaching the barn doors and hearing nothing Esme clung onto my arms tightly, Probably nervous for what was going to happen. I lifted her hand and pulled it to my mouth kissing her knuckles gracefully the way I know she should be treated. Like a queen. I couldn't help but smile as I saw the excitement on their faces. They all loved Esme and Finley and everyone here was looking forward to celebrating their birthday with them too. I had arranged for a band to play their favourite songs and then a mix of many other songs for everyone to dance to, as well as their favourite songs, it was the aroma of delicious food filled the air all of which was their favourites and many other dishes that people enjoyed.

"SURPRISE!!!" Everyone shouts while applauding as they both enter the hall, Smiles of shock while everyone makes their way through to give them hugs and several "Happy birthday" wishes. Her face lights up and I'm happy she's finding it in herself to stay here and to enjoy the party hopefully. She kisses me so softly on the cheek while whispering how grateful she is. "Thank you, baby! This is the best birthday I and my brother could have ever asked for" she says. My heart fills with pride and I now acknowledge just how special she truly is to me.

Watching her from afar I couldn't help myself admiring her beauty, She looked stunning in her long, flowy dress, her hair cascading down her back in loose curls. My heart skipped a beat every time I saw her, and I couldn't wait to take that dress of hers later and worship every inch of her body.

As the night went on, we danced and laughed, and I felt like the luckiest man alive. But as the night was coming to an end, I couldn't wait to get Esme back to our room and give her, her last birthday present. It entitled me being naked that's for sure.

Everything was great. Today has been lovely for both of them as they settled into their rhythm of talking to people and hugging everyone while thanking them for their birthday gifts and the surprise that they had never gotten before. My heart fell when I heard that her former parents never really celebrated their birthdays but I'm glad we did, my mom made her famous brownies which Esme helped with, she just didn't know it. There were selections of assorted cakes, savoury snacks and drinks which went down very well. I'm glad I could do this for her. I'm glad she gave me the chance to prove myself at the start. She's my absolute world.

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