The Bitter Truth

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(Ethan P.O.V)

Two days have passed and Hattie is still here. Things between Mal and Ben have been tense but I don't know anything about that, it must've happened when I was turned to stone. Hattie and Mal have been avoiding one another since Audrey's awakening, something that I know is affecting Hattie more than she says it is. Mom came down two days ago and she was happy to hear that I was fine and to see Hattie again. I remember joking that Mom missed her more than she did me and the two laughed. It cheered Hattie up somewhat but the whole thing between Mal and her, and then Mal and Ben has been hurting all of us. 

Right now, we're in Fairy Godmother's office and she is here to help the girls, Mal more specifically, why there was so much anger towards Hattie. Hades was here alongside Persephone, who was glowing wonderfully with her pregnancy. The two are excited to experience this again and I saw Mal's face contort to one of sadness and hurt. "I asked both Hattie and Mal to write down what they thought of one another, and since the reveal of Mal's full parentage, we might be able to understand the root of the problems." She explained, Mal nodded and Ben looked at her from another chair. Ben is already thinking about calling off the engagement or having a long engagement because of this and I can't believe that Ben was thinking about this but I knew that this wasn't something he would tolerate. 

"I'll start with Hattie's." Fairy Godmother said and she put on some reading glasses and took a breath. I held Hattie's hand tightly and rubbed my thumb on the top of her pale hands. 

"To start, I never wanted to share any hatred towards Mal. As a young girl, I remember seeing Dad cry next to Mom about his eldest not wanting to be around him, thinking that he was nothing more than genetic material to create her. Every year on Mal's birthday, Dad would create something worthy of her age and milestones but placed them where her room would've been if she ever stayed there. Dad made clothes for her for every age, from her baby clothes to stuff she would wear even now since she and I are similar in measurements. When I was four and allowed to go out on my own around the Isle, I wanted to be friends with Mal, to see who was the girl that my Dad always mentioned to be my big sister." Fairy Godmother read and she started to sniffle a bit. 

"I walked over to Mal and introduced myself to her and instantly she threw a punch into my nose. I don't remember much from this time but it was thanks to Mom that I could learn about this particular story. Over the years I have tried to be her friend, to at least get to know her but each attempt injured both me physically and emotionally. Uma could tell you that I was soft, skittish, and easily someone who wanted to hide, and I blame that on Mal and her friends, especially Jay for dumping me into a vat of cold fry oil brought from Auradon." Fairy Godmother said and Hattie flinched at the mention of the frying oil and instantly I held her in my lap. The fairy saw that and smiled and continued reading. "All I want to know is why Mal hated me from the moment I ever saw her, did I do something wrong to the point where she had tried to kill me multiple times? Even if she and I never spoke again, this was all I wanted to know for years. Mal, please tell me what did I do?" Fairy Godmother finished and everyone couldn't believe the words we heard. 

Mal had this dumbfounded look on her face, her hatred of Hattie was revealed to those in this room and Ben couldn't even look at her at the moment. "Mal... I... I don't even have words for what I just heard." Ben told her and she looked ashamed, whether for her actions or for Ben learning about them I don't know. "Now remember, this is only one side. We should hear Mal's side before anything else is spoken." Fairy Godmother reminded us and Mall looked slightly relieved but not by much. Hattie was cuddled into my arms, her breathing was slightly quick and I didn't want her to panic too much so she's being held like this. 

Fairy Godmother held Mal's letter in her hand and after taking a sip of water, she began. "As a small kid, Mom always told me about Hattie and her Mom stealing him away from us. I didn't understand why she was saying that until I first met Hattie when we were four and we were playing at the 'sandbox' and when I saw her face I instantly saw how pathetic she was. Hattie was this soft kid who didn't want to be evil, and on the Isle that was a recipe for disaster. Since then I understood what Mom always told me. She had two parents who cared about her, a roof over her head, and food in her stomach.

Meanwhile, I had to steal, fight, and harm others to get all of those things. Mom always taught me to be tough and never let people look down on me, and I hated Hattie for having everything I wanted. I didn't care that she was my sister, she and I only shared a sperm donor, nothing more, nothing less, at least back then." Fairy Godmother read and instantly people began glaring at Mal for the beginning. "Over the years she's been nothing but a thorn in my side and then she joined Uma's pirate crew and that solidified something in me to try and stop her from being the person to look down on me, even if it meant committing murder. She stole everything that belonged to me and only me and she didn't deserve none of it. All she was, was an affair baby that ruined a relationship and turned the world upside down." Fair Godmother finished and Hattie was crying, as was Hades. 

Ben at one point walked out of the room and I could hear him pacing and trying to calm himself down. None of us expected what we heard, not even Fairy Godmother at that moment. I rubbed Hattie's backside gently and tried to soothe her, and it helped slightly but not much. We pulled Ben back into the room and he had this neutral look on his face, yeah he was not happy. That is his 'Screw all of you, don't talk to me.' face and one I never liked seeing as a kid. "Now that we got those out of the way. Hades, you told me you would explain the circumstances of both Mal and Hattie's conception." Fairy Godmother said and both girls looked at Hades who sighed and he looked exhausted, Persephone sat next to him with an arm around his shoulders. "Yeah, I can explain everything. First of all Mal, Hattie is not an affair baby. I was married to her mom long before I even met Maleficent, I thought you were there for the trial but I guess not." He said and Mal was even more confused. 

"What do you mean?" She asked and Hades took a deep breath. "Hattie's mom is Persephone. She turned mortal temporarily to be with me, that was also four years after the Isle was created. As for me and Maleficent, we weren't in an actual relationship like she probably told you, in fact, if anyone is the affair baby in this room is you Mal. I had tried to be there for you Mal, but you were always a Mama's girl and I never could get through to you with the few times in your life that I was able to be in, your mother wanted you to have nothing with me, no connection, no relationship, nothing at all. And that destroyed me, I wanted so badly to be your Dad Mal, and now after all this time I'm not sure if we can have that kind of relationship after hearing what you've done to your own sister." Hades retorted and Mal looked broken, she was told so many things about her father and she blamed him and Hattie for him not being there when in reality, it was all her doing. 

Ben was silent still, he looked deep in thought and Hattie was calmly breathing into my neck. "All this time... it was my fault..." Mal muttered and she was lost inside, now we finally knew the truth of it all. "Mal, I love you don't deny that. But I think you need to seriously get some help mentally before we even think about planning a wedding right now. That is the only way I can even see myself even staying with you right now is for you to work on yourself, and gain back my trust." Ben finally said and Mal looked at him, the two hadn't had this level of a conversation since Cotillion but he was right. Mal needed to work on herself first before even thinking about getting married. 

Mal instantly agreed, tears running down her pale cheeks. "You're right, it's time I learn to move on and bury this nonexistent hatchet." She said and I think this would be better for everyone in the long run. "I think we can schedule those appointments later, and if Hattie and Hades want to be involved in this process then they most certainly can. We can discuss this another day Mal." Fairy Godmother explained and we all thanked her for that, Hattie looked over at Mal and Mal looked at her, the two were broken by years of mistreatment and now that the air was cleared, healing could finally commence. I turned to Hades and sighed. "I'm going to take her back to my dorm, you have all of her stuff from her dorm and that room is being used by another student." I explained and while he didn't want to let me go with her, he allowed it. Carefully I picked her up and we left the office, the whole time she was thanking me for being there for her. 

There was nothing I wouldn't do for this girl and I knew that, I just hope that she knows this too. 

Authors opinion: Hey everyone and here is this chapter. The big reveal about why Mal hated Hattie, honestly I've tried to do it the best I could and if I didn't make any sense please let me know and I can make it better. I do hope that you all enjoyed this and while I can see people being mad that Ben stayed with Mal, it was a very thin line and he had to give her an ultimatum or else he would've ended things. Either way, I do hope you all enjoyed this chapter and until the next time bye

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