Anger On The Isle

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(Uma P.O.V)

I can't believe that those five betrayed evil and are now being goody-goods, well I can see it from Hattie and I'm not surprised but she wanted us to be there as a family but now I don't know what to think right now anymore. We haven't spoken to her since we saw her on that computer screen and she looked very happy there. Heck she even got a boyfriend, something I doubted she would get but then again there isn't dating on the Isle since we were all raised together and pretty much see each other as brothers and sisters, sometimes more but that doesn't last long.

The boys are conflicted with their feelings when it comes to Hattie like I am as well. I mean she's doing better but I still feel betrayed here and I don't know how else to describe it. Everyone on the Isle is rioting about this whole thing and they will not be allowed here ever again without there being massive consequences and hope that the four will get hurt but I will not let them hurt Hattie despite how I feel right now.

"Yo Uma, what're ye going to do about Hattie?" Harry asked me and I sighed and looked at his blue eyes. "I don't know Harry, I don't know. But if or when she returns to the Isle, make sure that she is safe, that is yours and Gil's job." I ordered and he nodded, he knew that she might be the oldest out of the four of us, but she is our sister and we protect our own.

I just hope someday we can go over to Auradon and get a chance to make a difference to the other VK's and get a life we deserve and not this terrible life.

Authors opinion: Hey everyone and here is a filler chapter with Uma and the gang considering how the last chapter went, I'm not surprised that they feel this way, it will be explained more in the next movie and so until the next time bye

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