What Was That?!

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(Ethan P.O.V)

I finally was able to talk to Ben in his dorm room after the team's victory dinner, that was a screwed-up way of dumping your girlfriend for another girl. I mean how could he do that to Audrey, I might've not been her biggest fan, but even she didn't deserve to be dumped like that. When I walked in, he was working on his schoolwork, completely unaware of the consequences of his actions during that performance. "Benjamin Florian Beast, what in the name of all that is good what that performance earlier today?!" I shouted at him and he looked startled to see me this enraged. "What do you..-" "I mean when you decided to tell the ENTIRE student body that you're in love with a girl you met A WEEK AGO?!" I yelled at him and he gave me an 'ah' look. 

"Ethan, you know that I wasn't in love with Audrey, I had no feelings for her, so I broke things off." He calmly explains and my eyebrow twitched, there was frost growing on the walls but I didn't care. "That doesn't mean you dump her like that, any girl wouldn't want to be dumped by their boyfriend of two, nearly three years, in front of the entire school. Do you know what this could do to your reputation, to your parents reputation? No, because instead of doing it privately like a decent guy, you just blurt out an entire song, which was a horrible choice personally." I told him and he sighed and looked stressed. "Alright I get it, I should've done the situation much better, but Ethan, she was the girl I was seeing in my dreams for over a year now. This I think was bound to happen." Ben explained and I sighed and the frost began melting off the walls. 

I didn't even bother talking to him and just walked out of the room, I needed to cool down, away from people. 

(Hattie P.O.V)

I banged on Mal and Evie's door and when Evie opened it, I thanked her before storming into the room and waiting for the door to close before shouting. "What was that?!" I asked them and both Mal and Evie had no clue as to what I was talking about. "So you both didn't see and hear that performance after the tourney game was over?" I remarked and the two had this 'ah' moment. "Look, we didn't expect that to happen. But it did, besides you spelled Ethan with the cookies right?" Mal told me and I glared at her in return, my eyes glowing a bright blue. "No, because I don't need to spell anyone. We don't need to be our parents, I have to focus on repairing relationships with the Gods of Olympus because of what my Dad did." I explained and Mal didn't seem to care when it came to our Dad, she clearly took after her Mother and not once wanting to learn about her half-Goddess blood running through her veins. 

"You'll soon realize this Mal, that we don't have to follow our parents legacies." I warned her and walked out of the dorm room and headed to mine and Maggie's, she wanted to watch the movie based on our family so I agreed to watch it with her. Mal's karma will come for her, and then... she won't be able to avoid it. 

Authors opinion: Hello everyone, and here is another chapter of our story. In this chapter, it's about what happened last chapter. I know that this seems a bit weird but hey, what can you expect from me anymore. Also with the last part, it's forshadowing something I might do later down the line don't worry. So until the next time bye

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