Remedial Goodness 101

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(Hattie P.O.V)

Morning came and the sunlight just blared into my eyes, that and rock music which made me feel homesick. I woke up and saw Maggie was getting dressed and was laying out clothes for me, it was heartwarming that she would do that. "Morning cuz, I saved you some hot water and left instructions to turn the faucet on and off in case you didn't know how to. I also laid out some of your clothes for you." Maggie explained and I was in awe that she would do that. "T-Thanks." I said to her and she squealed which was annoying but I didn't stop her and she helped me get ready for the first day of school. She even let me borrow her soap until she takes me out and buys me my own, she really wants to make amends with me for her parents did to my Dad which I like. I also discovered that she has her Father's strength when she pulled me out of the bed, I had developed a slight bruise on my arm from her strength. She apologized of course but still, I have very pale skin, I bruise easily.

I got dressed and ready for school. Leather tights and polka dotted black and blue skirt and a white dress shirt with no sleeves. I grabbed an old backpack that Maggie wasn't using and my signature hoodie, I rarely left anywhere without it. It's a safety net of sorts for me, Dad actually made it for me a few years back. Surprisingly he's good at sewing, but then again he was also the one who made his outfit. I met up with Mal and her gang, they were dressed in their signature colors like I did. We found Fairy Godmother's classroom and we sat down in the seats. I was behind Mal and Evie so I was able to see Mal sketch what looks like Fairy Godmother's wand, that's when I realized what their parents wanted them to do. I frowned and focused on the lessons, trying to learn something while in this place. 

Fairy Godmother was trying to at least make things very interesting for us which is nice of her, if she didn't do what she was doing then I doubt I would be paying attention. Mal was answering each question which made me wonder why she would but then again it's not like the others were gonna answer. Evie has been manipulated to be not smart by her Mother, Carlos was abused, as was Jay so I don't think that they would be able to get passed their parents influence compared to Mal who was clearly faking it. "If someone hands you a crying baby, do you? A - curse it, B - lock it in a tower, C - give it a bottle, or D - carve it's heart out?" Fairy Godmother asked us and I technically raised my hand but it didn't rise in the air like Evie's or Mal's. "Evie." Fairy Godmother called out and Evie had this very dumb look on her face. "What was the second one?" She asked and both Mal and I looked at her with raised eyebrow's, I know she can read so she could look on the board. 

Our teacher of Goodness was a bit disappointed with Evie's question, so she called on Mal who chose the correct answer. "You are on fire, girl." Carlos told her and what was Mal's response, choose the option that sounds the least fun. Did any of them handle baby's at all, I know there's a lot of babies on the Isle but clearly they don't know how to do that. A girl squeaked past us and she seemed friendly, albeit the bow's really horrifying, and I went through a phase with bows... that lasted only two days. Fairy Godmother introduced the girl as Jane, her daughter, fitting name for her child. Jane seemed like her name suggests, a plain Jane, but she looks like a nice person. Jane squeaked past us again and we continued on with the lesson, Mal was scheming something and Jane is going to be the poor victim in this case. "You find a vial of poison, do you? A - put it in the King's wine, B - paint it on an apple, or C - turn it over to the proper authorities?" Fairy Godmother asked us and then both Jay and Carlos began fighting to answer the question to which Fairy Godmother suggested they put that energy in the Tourney field. What the flying Hades was Tourney?

Class ended and Fairy Godmother stopped me as the other's have left. "I noticed you didn't raise your hand at all, did you not understand the questions?" She asked me and I looked at her. "No I did understand, I raised my hand but I didn't put it in the air on the account that I didn't feel like participating in this. Nothing against you, but rather I just didn't feel like it." I explained to her and before she could say anything I walked away but not before leaving a tiny slip of paper on a table. 

(Fairy Godmother P.O.V)

Hattie, she seems like she's pretending to be someone she isn't. Much like all of the villain children. I saw her leave a piece of paper and when she was gone I looked at the paper from a distance before walking over and picking it up and reading it. 

'Sorry for the attitude.' The note said and I smiled at this, I knew there was good in the students and they just needed to bring it out of them and express it willingly. I cleaned up my stuff and headed to my office to begin another wonderful day of paperwork.

Authors opinion: Hey everyone and here is another chapter for our tale. I added in Fairy Godmother's point of view because I wanted to see how Fairy Godmother would react if one of the original VK's were actually nice. I know that what Maggie did was unrealistic but hey we're in Auradon so this I kind of expect. So either way I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and until the next time bye

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