Preparation for the Cotillion

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(Hattie P.O.V)

It's been over a year since we arrived in Auradon, and it's been an interesting time. Despite my passing my trial, I haven't received my Goddess powers, Dad says that they'll come when the time is right. Dad is still under close watch but now he and Mom live near the school where Dad helps, yes I know that doesn't sound right but it was a part of his community service. Fairy Godmother haves him teaching about us Gods and Goddesses, even from the other cultures like in China or in Scotland. It is interesting to learn about the different Gods and Goddesses that reside in our world. 

Everyday I stare at the Isle and remanence at the days when I was with Uma, Harry and Gil. The four of us working hard to be the swordsmen that we are today, and I still practice all the time. I write them letters everyday since the Coronation about what goes on here, and I wish I could send them to the three but Fairy Godmother refuses to let me have contact with them, saying that they might turn me back to being a Villain. Excuse me, but they're my family and I should see them, and they wouldn't turn me into a Villain, being called and treated like one would but not that. Ethan has tried to help me convince her but she's stubborn as a bullfrog. 

Speaking of Ethan, things between us have been great. We've had arguments and a big fight once but those things help relationships instead of pretending that everything is all good. We don't get to see each other often due to my duties in the Underworld and his duties to the council as the Royal Advisor to Ben, who actually hasn't been doing his promise to bring more VK's over to Auradon. It was why me and Ethan had that big fight, I wanted them to bring more but Ethan says that they have other things that are taking up Ben's time to get the proposal going. Reality is that Ben's been either working on his schoolwork, council meetings, or going on dates with Mal, I mean seriously that's messed up. Ethan and I haven't gone on a date in two months, while Ben and Mal had one last week, and Ethan had to cover Ben's work and his own. Ethan is about to explode from the amount of stress he's under right now and that isn't fair on him at all. 

Thankfully Ethan has time to spend time with me, every night we send each other a goodnight text, it's small but meaningful so we both know that the other is safe in their dorm room. My dress for the Cotillion is already handled so I didn't need another dress fitting, it's supposed to match's Ethan's suit which I love the idea. Evie was designing many of the girl's dresses but I didn't want her to do mine so I asked the seamstress at Arendelle Castle if she could make mine and this woman, she was so honored that she started crying and immediately went to work sketching and designing the dress four months ago. 

I found Ethan and walked past the swarm of paparazzi that were bothering Mal, that's the downside of being the girlfriend to the King, you get the press all over you. He saw me and his face brightened and I could see the bags underneath his eyes. I mean he was exhausted and that wasn't good. "Hey Hats." He greeted and when we got close we leaned into one another for a soft peck on the lips. "C'mon, I'll take you to my dorm, you need to relax." I ordered him and he didn't argue but rather thanked me, he has a thing for relaxation baths, I mean one date he took me to a spa and he enjoyed it as much as I did. The walk was quiet and I could see the press bothering Ben but I rolled my eyes, he honestly has no idea the kind of pressure Mal's under. Me and her still don't get along really, but even I can tell that she was almost at her breaking point, she used a spell to change her hair color which did not look good on her at all, definitely blonde was not her color. 

Maggie moved out of our dorm after Coronation, her parents still don't trust my Dad and so place that same feelings onto me. We're still close but don't get to see each other often anymore. I had the whole dorm to myself so I made it feel more calming in here, I added fairy lights and fluffy blankets to the couch that was still here from when Maggie was in here. I went to the bathroom and ran the bath to ice cold, the way Ethan likes it and placed my lavender bath bomb in the bathtub. He was already in his underwear by the time I got out of the bathroom and it was a nice view indeed, he was already less stressed out and after he went into the bathroom, he laid down in the tub and relaxed even more and I could see the stress disappearing from his face which is a good thing personally. He had a small tv in there so he could watch his favorite shows in there, he has a thing for watching the home design channel. 

I closed the bathroom door and left some clothes in there for him to change into when he was done. I began working on my school work and paper work for the Underworld and I can't wait to get it finished so me and Ethan can cuddle for the rest of the time until it was time for him to return to his own dorm. Then there was a knock on my dorm room door, and so I immediately got up and opened the door and saw Maggie, she was holding her backpack and I knew what she needed. "C'mon, I'll help you get it done." I told her and she thanked me, Maggie tends to suck at her knowledge of Gods and Goddesses, the very same class that Dad teaches and so I help her all the time since the class started. It's actually one of the more popular classes here besides the P.E classes surprisingly and I didn't know why that it is more popular but who knows. It doesn't help that a lot of the students that go are girls my age or younger and boy isn't it uncomfortable. So many teenage girls are just there to look at him like he's eye candy and they seem to forgot that one, he's older than all of you so that's illegal, two he's a Dad and his daughter is one of your classmates, three he's married for Zeus sake's. 

I have expressed that to Fairy Godmother but she hasn't done anything since they haven't done anything to Dad but she's keeping a close eye on them. I helped Maggie with her homework and she thanked me and left to go get dinner at the cafeteria, which sounded good. Just then Ethan came out and he looked really refreshed and that made me happy to see him like that. "Want to get something to eat real quick?" I asked him and he nodded and wrapped his arms around me and I smiled, cuddles are a must for the two of us and we haven't seen each other in a while so cuddles are happening today. We walked to the cafeteria and today's meal was spaghettis which was good cause I didn't want anything too heavy to eat. We got our meals and ate them silently, though my head was on Ethan's shoulder cause I was getting pretty tired. After dinner was eaten, we grabbed our dessert which was an option of apple pie, or chocolate brownies and we both chose the brownies, then headed back to my dorm for some cuddles. 

Authors opinion: Hey everyone and here is the first chapter of Descendants 2. I know we're finally here and yes this chapter was mainly fluff but it'll get more heavy emotionally later down the line and I also updated with Hattie's hair looks like since Mal, Evie and Carlos got different hair styles or colors so I wanted Hattie to not be left out. And with that out of the way, until the next time bye

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