The Underworld

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(Hattie P.O.V)

Fairy Godmother was sitting in her office, elegant as always. "You wanted to see me, Ma'am?" I asked her and she looked up from her paperwork and smiled brightly, she was just full of positivity. "Yes, we just got the approval from the Olympian Gods for you to go to the Underworld." She said and I was excited to see the realm Dad had ruled before all the stuff with Herc-a-Jerk and Zeusy-Boy. Fairy Godmother then stood up and walked with me to the outside where a limo was waiting for me, I thanked her and walked into the limo. We drove to the countryside, heading towards a field of flowers, but I knew better than to believe that those were regular flowers. 

Dad had a fascination with lilies, chrysanthemums, morning glories, and red spider lilies. These were flowers that are symbolized with death, except for lilies, which have multiple meanings depending on the color. I knew where we were. "This is Dad's flower field, he and Persephone would come here to spend time with one another. It is also the nearest portal to the Underworld." I told her and Fairy Godmother was surprised that I knew that, but she was under the prejudice that Dad taught me evil, and only evil. "I remember him telling me all about this place whenever I wanted to know about life outside of the tiny Isle." I explained and for a minute I could see a guilty look on Fairy Godmother's face but I ignored it. 

"That is correct little one." A voice that felt so familiar to me, called out and I turned and saw a woman standing in the field. Bright blonde hair, slightly fuchsia skin, and rich pink eyes with a ethereal glow about her. "You're Persephone aren't you?" I asked her and I could see Fairy Godmother walking away, answering my question. "I am, it's been so long since I've seen you my dear." She said and I was confused about that. "What do you mean?" I asked her but she shook her head. "Later, first we must get to the Underworld, then I'll explain everything to you." She said and I sighed but accepted, I mean she's my step-mother, I have to behave for Dad's sake. We walk to the nearby stream where Charon, the ferrymen of the Underworld, was waiting for us. "Thank you for waiting Charon, shall we go home?" Persephone questioned and the being nodded and we began sailing past the trees into darkness. 

When the light returned, I could see stones and caves around us. I looked down and nearly screeched when I saw a ghostly hand try to grab me but I shot it with fire. "Those are the souls within the River of Lost Souls, fitting name I suppose. Don't fall in, I don't want to lose you." Persephone said and I nodded and I hugged myself, my hoodie was needed now more than ever. When we reached the dock, the two of us got off the boat and met up with two tiny Daemons. "Lady Persephone, welcome back." Said the purple one. "Did you bring the mistress?" The yellow one asked and she showed them that I was there and I waved awkwardly, I was still shaken up from the ghost hand from before. "I'm Cura while the purple one is Calm. We're Pain and Panic's cousins, we help Lady Kore with everything here in the Underworld, or at least we try to." Cura, the yellow one, said and I nodded. "How come there is a large amount of souls being backed up getting into the Underworld? If everything is as it should be, then why is things the way they are now?" I asked them, finally deciding to speak. 

The three sighed and brought me to the throne room, Dad's throne sat there, untouched for at least twenty years now. "When Hades was sent to the Isle, things were fine and we didn't have any issues. Then as Auradon started being built into the city it is now, more and more souls ended up dying and now we're overfilled with them and no matter how many times we try to get the King to add more safety laws, we're ignored." Persephone explained and it made sense. Modern technology comes with flaws and dangers, meaning people will die more easily than before. I mean people were limited when it came to dying twenty years ago but now, they had more variety. "I'll bring this up to Prince Ben and Prince Ethan, their about to become King and Royal Advisor, I will let them know about this." I told her and she smiled. "You're still the same girl as I remember." Persephone said and I looked at her with a confused look once again, did we meet before when was a child?

But before the Goddess of Spring could answer, another Daemon summoned her and she had to leave me with Cura and Calm. They decided to take me on a detailed tour of the whole Underworld, it was nice of them that's for sure. They seem slightly more reliable than Pain and Panic were at times. We had reached the Elysium Fields, a place where great Kings of the past, heroes and people who supported justice, were sent to in their deaths. Many Kings and Queen's would arrive here as a result of their lifetimes. I saw two people, two that I knew from history books who they were. King Agnarr and Queen Iduna, Queen Elsa and Princess Anna's parents, and Ethan's Grandparents. I walked over there, ignoring Cura and Calm's words and the two noticed me. "Who're you?" King Agnarr asked me and I smiled softly. "My name is Hattie, my Father is Hades, the ruler of the Underworld. Or so he was before being sent to the Isle of the Lost." I introduced myself and the two seemed interested slightly. "Why are you here?" Queen Iduna asked me and I looked at her, I can see Ethan's eyes within hers. "I want to start a program, one of which you two and one more will be my testers, I feel as though some families never got a final goodbye from the one's they lost, like your daughters. This program could change that, all I would do is have you write letters to your loved ones, and I would deliver them to the receiver." I explained and the two looked hesitant until another voice spoke. "I like this idea." A voice called and another King came, I had to do a double take when I saw him, he looked so much like Ethan that I knew who he was. 

"You're Ethan's Father, King Erikson." I deduced and he nodded. "I am, I couldn't help but overhear your proposition, and I want to be a part of this, to tell my wife, my children, that I miss them is something that I won't pass up." He explained and I nodded and summoned some paper and a quill with ink. There was enough paper for them all, and in the end, five letters were written. I took them and placed them gently into my messenger bag that I had with me, it was hidden underneath my hoodie. "I will make sure that these are handed to them safely." I assured them and walked back to Cura and Calm, and a slightly angry Persephone. "What was that?" She hissed and I looked at her with a hardened glare. "A way for people who died unexpectedly through a tragic accident, to have one final goodbye. Wouldn't you want that for Dad." I remarked and she only smiled and laughed. 

"You truly are my daughter."

Authors opinion: Hey everyone and here is the newest chapter. This one took a while since originally I had asked my friend to write a list of Gods and Goddess related to the Underworld but they never finished it so I had to do it myself and finally got it done. I also added that twist at the end which will be answered soon, but not immediately. Also this chapter was written before the next four or five chapters, so if you notice it doesn't flow, that's why. But either way until the next time bye

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