Controlling Magic

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(Ethan P.O.V)

I walked into Mr. Merlin's class and saw the normal kids, and Hattie also. Made sense since she most likely has no idea how to use her magic at all. So I sit down next to Hattie and wave at her and she did a tiny wave back which made me smile. "Good morning everyone, I hope you all are ready for another time of learning!" Mr. Merlin cheered on and some groaned while others were just silent, Hattie was one of the silent ones, and I was silent myself. Mr. Merlin laughed and began teaching us today's lesson, our lesson was talking about different magic's that are around. Ruby showed us her hair's magical properties she inherited from her Mom, then Jordan decided to give us all except for Mr. Merlin, genie themed outfits. I didn't feel comfortable showing my skin, and neither did Hattie since she quickly got angry and I knew this by her flaming hair was turning from blue to red. 

"Jordan, let's return everyone's clothes please. Before something happens." Mr. Merlin told the young genie and she sighed before returning our clothes to normal and I felt better as did Hattie. "Miss Hattie, would you like to show us something?" Mr. Merlin called out to her and she looked at the teacher with a blank face, but I could look into her eyes and see that she was nervous. "I'll try, it's not like I've used magic before." She warned him and so she went up to the front and blue fire erupted from her hands and I could see the fire take shape and became a woman with a small child. Hattie gasped and the flame disappeared and before anyone could ask her anything she went back to her seat, she looked very vulnerable at that moment. "Wonderful display of control, we will work on yours another time Hattie." Mr. Merlin said and she didn't answer. 

(Hattie P.O.V)

I stared at my hands, I couldn't believe that I had made a flame turn into a version of me and Mom. I felt someone staring at me and I looked and saw Ethan looking at me, he turned away and I sighed softly. He seems like someone I could trust, but how can I trust someone completely? I only ever trusted one person and that's Dad, I told him everything and now I have no one here, maybe I should slowly let him in, I could use him to my advantage because he could help me get Dad here in Auradon and back to the Underworld once again. He could finally not be trapped on an Island where he's slowly losing his sanity, Hadie and I are his only source of sanity left and without us, he may lose himself and I can't lose him. 

We were then partnered up and guess who I was with, Ethan of course. I think it was the fact that he was the only one who volunteered to be my partner. The project was to learn about our partner's powers and where they originated from and the history from our parents if they have magic. So he sat across from me, his white gloves blended in with his alabaster skin and you could feel frost coming from his hands. "Alright, do you want to start or should I?" He asked me and I raised my eyebrow, giving him his answer. "I'll start then." He muttered and he was clearly nervous about this so I spoke instead. "I inherited my magic from my Father." I stated and he looked at me shocked and he gave a small yet thankful smile which made me slightly smile as well. "Back on the Isle, I could feel my magic flow within me, but I never was able to access it." I explained and he looked shocked but didn't say a word, in a sense I was grateful. "Do you have all of your Father's powers or just some of them?" He asked me, whether this was him asking as my partner on his assignment or him asking as the future Royal Advisor, I don't have a clue. "No idea, I've only been here a day so it's not like I had the time to practice using my powers." I said and he nodded and before he could ask anymore questions, the bell rang. 

I was confused about this whole 'bell schedule' so Ethan was nice enough to walk with me to my next class, which seemed to be lunch. I was happy to eat something that isn't scraps. I had gotten into line and I grabbed the card that Fairy Godmother gave us this morning for our meals, it was so we didn't have to steal food in order to eat which sounds nice. They were serving light sandwiches and there were options, I had taken the simplest one to try, I didn't know if I was allergic to anything so I took a ham and cheese sandwich, I also had a green apple and some juice that was cold and not warm. I wondered if Hadie would've liked these items, but then again he rarely ever stays over for dinner since his Mom is strict when it comes to him being around Dad. There was once a point where I didn't see Hadie for a long period of time, apparently it was his grades but that wasn't the truth and I knew that. 

"Oh look, it's one of the Villain Kids." Someone whispered and I was taken from my thoughts, my bright blue hair flared slightly and they ran off and I sighed and quietly ate my lunch alone. I missed my friends back on the Isle, my family in a sense. Uma, the sister I wished I had gotten, Gil and Harry, my two loveable brothers. They taught me how to fight, be tough and stern on the outside, and keep my true emotions hidden from the world except from the one's I trusted the most, heck I even learned how to fight in heels from them and that was a really big accomplishment. Mal's gang was a group everyone feared on the one part of the Isle, the other was feared by Uma's group which I was a part of. But Uma's group was more though of as 'wannabe pirates' rather than a force to be reckoned with, and Uma hated that. 

Once I was finished eating, I found my locker since I decorated it with a small flame design with dark blues and purple which contrasted with the light blue the lockers already were. My books I needed for my classes were in the locker and when I closed it I saw some girl standing next to me. She had bright orange hair and brown eyes with freckles all over her nose and cheeks, there was this smile the girl had and I was very off-putted by this smile. "Hi, you must be Hattie! You look just like how Ethan described you, I'm Iris, Ethan's cousin." She said quickly and then grabbed my hand and shook it, I was stunned and was trying to not panic with how outgoing she was. "Um, yes I'm Hattie, Ethan talks about me?" I asked her and quickly removed my hand from her grasp, trying to control my nervousness which could be shown by how my hair's flames kept flickering around a little wild like. "He does, he never talks about anyone from school until suddenly he talks about this gorgeous girl with dark blue hair and grey eyes that had this slight blue glow." She told me and I unwillingly blushed at the description of me, he called me gorgeous, which is something nobody dared called me on the Isle except for Gil and Harry but those two are my brothers, and plus Gil has a thing for Uma. 

The fact that he though that about me made my heart flutter a lot, and a smile rose slightly but Iris didn't seem to notice. "So why did you want to meet me?" I asked her finally after shaking my head of those thoughts and she gasped slightly which worried me but she was fine. "Oh right, I wanted to invite you over to the Castle. My Mom and Aunt want to meet the girl who claimed Ethan's heart." She said and I again unwillingly blushed and nodded. "I can come over in a couple of days, I have somethings to do first but I would love to come over." I told her, I was trying to be polite and you know, good. She was so excited that I said yes and she hugged me and ran off somewhere, she was a strange one but I didn't mind her at all. 

The day has ended but that's for school, now it was time for me to head over to Fairy Godmother's and go to the Underworld.

Authors opinion: Hey everyone and welcome to another chapter. I had added another character, Iris, first born child of Anna and Kristoff cause yes they have children. Three in fact, don't worry the other two will be introduced and Ethan's older sibling as well soon. But I can't wait for the next chapter since that covers the Underworld and I hope it's good for you guys and so until the next time bye

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