A Visit To Arendelle Castle

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(Hattie P.O.V)

After everything that happened in the Underworld, Iris gave me a couple of days before I would go with her to the castle. Turns out that we have the same lunchtime so she would sit next to me and we would draw whatever came to our minds and she was an amazing drawer, but she was too awkward to show her drawings to other people except me since I'm too blunt to lie to her. Honestly, if she signed up for art classes, I would be so happy. She was even friends with Maggie so it was nice to know that I could possibly have a friend that isn't Uma, Gil, or Harry. Dad would be proud of me.

Today I was finally heading over to Arendelle castle, I got ready for the trip. I brushed my hair and braided it in a simple braid, the flames haven't started since I got out of the shower not too long ago. I have a bit more control over them at least which to me is a good thing. Once I was done drying, I got dressed. I put on the dress that Iris brought me which I'm thankful for her bringing it, I would've worn a hoodie and skirt with leggings like normal but I'm also trying to impress a Queen of an entire kingdom. And if I wanted to make amends for what my Father has done in the past, then I have to work with each kingdom and try to fix what he had done. The dress really looked nice on me, I didn't feel the need to change out of it like I usually do with dresses. I put on some black leather leggings and my shoes and looked in the mirror and saw a different girl in the mirror, not a runt from the Isle, but rather a ruler of the Underworld gracing her presence in the world.

My dorm room door was knocked on and I opened it and it revealed to be Ethan in a crisp pastel blue suit with a snowflake themed tie which made his whole 'Snow Prince' title show more. "Wow... you look gorgeous Hattie, not that you weren't already gorgeous but... oh gosh I'm awkward." Ethan slurred out of his mouth and I blushed slightly and gave a small yet noticeable smile. I grabbed my messenger bag and made sure I had everything I needed, including the letters. He offered me his arm and I took it, the lessons that the Fates were giving me were paying off it seems, they were training me to be a ruler like my family. He lead me to a sleigh lead by Serah, Sven's child. He helped me get into the sleigh while he sat in the front and then with that we left the school and headed to Arendelle. While the different kingdoms that are aligned with the United States of Auradon are far and spread apart from one another, they developed special roads in order to get to each kingdom. It's similar to the bridge that we traveled on when we left the Isle, as long as you know the kingdom you want to go then you can activate the button and you can travel there.

Ethan noticed that I was 'disinterested' but in reality I was trying to not panic when it came to this. So this boy gently grabbed my pale hand with held my hand, both of us had a blush at that point but neither one of us stopped the hand holding. Holy Hades I sound like a regular girl at this point don't I? Gushing about a boy I've known for almost a month now, Dad would be mad but also proud that I'm allowing others to get close to me. Maggie was a bit jealous that I was getting close to the Arendelle Royal family, they're apparently very closed off from the others except for King Adam and Queen Belle. The sleigh went through the tunnel and I was greeted with a cool breeze, the scenery changed from Auradon to mountains and lots of water. "Welcome to Arendelle Hattie." Ethan told me and I was mesmerized by the whole area, it was definitely a wonderful place to look at.

(Ethan P.O.V)

I looked over at Hattie and she was looking around and admiring the fjord, I smiled softly and focused on guiding Serah to the castle. I really did have a crush on this girl from the Isle, but Mother would never approve, let along Aunt Anna and Uncle Kristoff. Ellie wouldn't allow Hattie to become my girlfriend for as long as she lives. "Ethan, you alright?" Hattie asked me and I saw that my powers were freezing the sleigh, I calmed down and nodded with a fake smile. She rose her perfectly kept eyebrow at me but went back to looking at the fjords. I went back to guiding us to the castle grounds and there I could see Iris waving towards us with Ellie, Aaron, Krystal, Aunt Anna, Uncle Kristoff, and Mother. I waved back and Hattie saw who I was waving at and she took a deep breathe, I figured that she wasn't one for large gatherings but if she's to become the next ruler of the Underworld then she has to be able to handle large gatherings.

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