Love Cookies

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(Hattie P.O.V)

Mal apparently wanted to speak to me, which was a first since we arrived here in Auradon. I know that those four are up to something and it involves the magic wand. So after classes were over, I walked over to Mal and Evie's dorm as Jane walks out with another girl, who I think is named Lonna or something, don't care really. "What do you two want?" I asked them and Mal looked at me with this hatred in her green eyes that she inherited from Maleficent. "Close the door first, then we'll talk." She ordered and I rolled my eyes but closed her door like she requested, Evie looked at us with a scared look. "Talk Mal, or should I mention your middle name?" I demanded and she growled softly but I still heard. "What's going on between you and Ice Boy?" She asked and I flared out slightly, she dares ask me that and I know she has some sort of motive right now. "None of your concern, and even if it was, I wouldn't tell you." I retorted and she got out of her bed and walked right in front of me, her eyes glowing green while mine were glowing blue. "C'mon Mally, you've never beaten you're Mom with this, think you can beat a Goddess?" I remarked and not long after that I won and smirked. "Now, is there anything else I need to be here for or can I leave?" I asked her and she growled more. "You're to stay, you're a part of the plan after all." She vaguely stated and I lifted my eyebrow in confusion but sat down on the floor. 

Soon Jay and Carlos came into the room and both looked at me and I ignored them, I didn't want any part of what their parents wanted. Jay was wearing the Tourney uniform meaning he was on the team, great another jock to deal with. And I though Harry was bad, nope Chad was, Hades do I hate Chad. Mal was looking in her Mother's spell book, Evie was doing homework, Carlos was on a computer while petting a dog, wasn't he afraid of dogs? Eh, I don't care. They aren't my friends, I wanted to be their friend years ago when we were kids but Jay dunked me into a tub of old frying oil, while Mal, Jay, and Carlos laughed at me, they weren't friends with Evie yet. Mom was still alive and so she comforted me after that fact, Dad made sure that I was all cleaned and was warm and not sick from being in that oil. 

Mal was getting angry because she can't figure out how to get close to the wand, and Jane can't seem to get close to the wand without her Mom getting suspicious. "We can do this, if we stick together." Jay said and then they chanted their motto 'Rotten to the Core', hearing that again just makes me want to burn something. "Oh, yeah. I found out that Fairy Godmother blesses both Ben and Ethan with the wand at coronation and we all get to go." Evie announces and I smirked, I knew something they didn't know. Mal looked at her in disbelief, and all that Evie cares about is knowing what to wear. Thankfully a knock came on the door and Mal got up and it revealed to be both Ben and Ethan, perfect timing huh. "Hey, Mal." Ben said in an awkward teen love interest way, holy moly does this boy have a thing for Mal. "I didn't see you guys today, I was just wondering if you had any questions or anything... that you needed?" He explained and I walked past them and stood next to Ethan who was mimicking Ben behind him and I silently giggled. 

Mal saw us and I glared at her and Ethan saw that and wanted to ask what that was about but didn't. I wasn't ready for talking about that yet at all. She asked Ben if we were able to go to the coronation and more stuff about the wand, seriously you guys are going to get caught one of these days. Ben confirmed that then Mal had the balls to drag me back into her room and closed the door on the boy's faces, I was so gonna apologize to Ethan for that. "I think Bennyboo and Ice Boy need some new girlfriends." Mal said and Carlos tossed her the spell book. "Oh no, you're not going to use Ethan for your stupid plans." I told her and everyone went silent and me and Mal were face to face with one another, I was the taller of the two of us. "Uh, yeah, I am. Cause we need any and all guarantees to getting that wand." She said and I flared out, scaring Evie a bit. "Ethan is not going to be a part of this, just like I'm not going to be a part of this. Face it Mal, you don't control me and if you think about spelling Ethan at all, there will be consequences." I warned her and stormed off, I needed to protect Ethan from Mal's magic. 

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