Holiday Special :)

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Hey everyone, in the spirit of the holiday season, I've decided to make a simple holiday special that is set between Descendants one and two to make it seem like it would make sense in timeline order. Hope you all enjoy, other chapters will be up when I get them done. 

Happy Holidays :)

(3rd P.O.V)

December in Auradon came and the V.K's were adjusting to the now cold air and the pillowy softness that was the freshly created snow. Auradon Prep and its other schools were off the entire month so children could spend time with their families, for those who do not wish to go home until later in the month, are able to stay within the confides of their dorm rooms. Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, and Hattie didn't understand the idea of holidays, considering those didn't exist or were celebrated on the Isle of the Lost. 

Here's what each child did during this magical time of the year. 

Ben decided to take Mal on a small vacation for a two-week period in the Enchanted Forest. He was gifted a cabin at thirteen and so he decided to use that to his advantage and make this a special time for his girlfriend of three months. Mal didn't like the idea at the time, given she was trying to figure out how to be this perfect Auradon girl, but at the same time she would be with just Ben, no one else. The two were throwing snowballs at one another after Ben explained the concept to Mal, and she loved the snow and now soft it was. There wasn't anything like that one the Isle, so this was something new and exciting for her. They made snowmen and snow angels on the ground, afterwards Mal created a fire in the fireplace and they snuggled up nice and warm underneath a blanket. 

Evie was shopping for her friends, walking into Auradon City and looking through the shops in order to find the perfect gifts for everyone, including a certain boy whose name rhymes with rug. For Jay, she got him a new pair of running shoes since he was going through them like crazy, Carlos and Dude got matching pajamas, Mal was tougher to get but she found a dark purple leather jacket and knew instantly that Mal would love it. Now Doug was hard to shop for, she didn't want to get him something that might upset him, but then something came into her mind. She found a music store and asked about what a trumpet needs for maintenance to keep it playing well. The cashier showed her some reeds, explaining that they help the air go into the instrument and that made Evie happy. She left the store with the reeds and some polish to keep it from going dull. 

Jay and Carlos were hanging out with the Fencing team outside of practice for some bonding. The team decided that they needed to get to know Jay and Carlos better, what way to do so other than having a party. Chad offered to have it at his castle, but his mom refused, saying that he was supposed to be grounded for causing a scene on Family Day. So instead they're at Jay and Carlos's dorm and just having a fun time, getting to spend time with one another and just be smiling and not worrying about anything that might happen along the way. Though they did have to stop Chad from making all of the games about himself or else they would call his mom, Chad was afraid of his mom and everyone knew that much. 

Hattie and Ethan were also not in Auradon, but rather Arendelle, but not just them and Ethan's family, but also Hades and Persephone. Being the first holiday the three were able to spend as a family in eight years, Queen Elsa didn't think twice about having the two Gods in Arendelle Castle. The entire Arendelle family welcomed their guests with open arms and after Hades stopped pretending to be hating being there, everyone was able to have fun. Hattie was happy to see her parents smiling and laughing with one another, it warmed her heart seeing their love for one another never wavering, not even due to her father's stupidity when it came to wine. 

Ethan and Hattie were able to spend their first holiday together and both prayed to the spirits that they could have more later down the line.

Authors opinion: Happy holidays everyone, here is the special that I wanted you guys to enjoy while there is a break between chapters. Please enjoy this and until the next time bye

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