Battle of Togetherness

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(Hattie P.O.V)

After I had left the group when I did, I could track down Uma and the boys. So I used my magic, popped out of nowhere, and spooked the trio. "Suprise!" I sang and they laughed and we properly had a reunion, my eyes were still puffy from all the crying I had done but I didn't care. "Mal is shutting down the V.K. program, did Ethan tell you?" Uma asked and I was stunned, this was something that I wasn't even aware of and yet I figured that Mal would do such a thing. "I don't think he even knew, he's held such a grudge against Mal since Cotillion that he refused to be near her. But given Mal, it makes sense she would try and do this, she wants to protect her home and forget those who made her who she is today." I explained and Uma sighed. "I'm sorry Hattie, I tried looking out for him but he wouldn't listen." Uma tried to explain but I stopped her. "Uma, it's alright. This was my doing, nothing can change that and I know he will improve with time." I said to her and she nodded, we walked until I could hear Mal yelling at us, I summoned a weapon in case she tries to attack me, but I will fight back harder. 

"What do you want now? We're done helping you." I retort and this time she looked at me, this time her eyes were slightly puffy, it shocked me that she cried at all but maybe she has changed. "The others have been turned to stone, Uma I need your help igniting the ember to stop Audrey." Mal said and I kept quiet, this wasn't my question to ask anyway. "No, you've already screwed over the Isle, no way am I or any of my crew helping you." She said and I walked away, I was still a part of the group despite being in Auradon. Mal looked upset, the consequence of her spoiled behavior was coming to kick her right in the mouth. 

Suddenly, we heard screaming and all four of us looked at one another, I sensed magic and I realized who it was. "Audrey!" I blurted out and we all ran to see Mal, flying around as a dragon, Audrey at the top of the tower with Celia?! "Oh no." I muttered and instantly made my hair, which wasn't lit at all, light up and my eyes bright blue. "Uma, we need to join forces with Mal if we're going to save Celia." I said to my captain and cousin, I could see the hesitation in her eyes and yet she nodded. Mal then got hit with a pink lightning bolt and she fell to the ground, she has the ember but since it isn't active anymore it's useless. She looked at us, and there was no hate in her eyes towards me. "Mal, let's finish this together girl." I said and Uma grabbed her mom's necklace and let it shine. "Regin your might and ignite! Regin your might and ignite!" Both me and Uma chanted as I sent a bit of my magic into the ember. 

Mal looked at me and held the ember out to me, I created fire wings and took the ember from her claw. "Let's do this." I said and we both flew towards the tower, where Celia was being tortured by Audrey. Mal distracted Audrey and after she noticed me, sent magic towards me but I used the ember and my own magic combined to stop the lightning. I could hear cheering from all around me and that was able to overpower the Spector, knocking Audrey out from the usage. "Please tell me I'm not too late." I prayed to the Fates, she was too young to die from this. Mal landed and I followed suit. I ran over to Audrey and waved my hand over her body, her clothes and hair returned to their normal look now that she wasn't under the control of both the Sceptor and Maleficent. 

The ember glowed in my hand and I whispered into the stone. "Let those who been turned to stone, return to being flesh and bones." I chanted and I felt those who fell under Audrey's stone spell return to normal. All except one. 


Authors opinion: Hey everyone and here is another chapter. This Christmas I finally received a new TV, my cat broke the last one again so this one is my replacement of the replacement of that replacement. Honestly, my cat hated them for some reason, anyway here we are. There are more chapters coming our way so hang on and so until the next time bye

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