Kidnapping the King

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(Ethan P.O.V)

I was sitting in a small corner of Ursula's restaurant, away from the other pirates that are there, Hattie and Harry went to get Ben and I was disappointed that it had come to this. Ben has responsibilities to the people of Auradon, I get that it was what was taught to him at a young age, but he should be more focused on helping the people of the Isle. Being here is an eye-opener to the life I knew was already horrendous from Hattie's stories, it is actually worse than I first thought it was going to be. 

The buildings, if you could even call them buildings, weren't even up to code and looked like they could fall down and shatter at any moment with a bad storm or gang fight. Everywhere you looked it was unsanitary, children were dirty and malnourished, barely anyone had any decently warm clothing for the winter months and the leather must be horrible during the warmer months. I was shocked that they actually did get our leftover foods and that was disgusting and inhumane and I felt ashamed for being a prince while they were suffering worse than peasants. "So, you're the Royal Advisor?" Uma asked me once she was done with her work currently, I looked at her and she did give off this protective aura around her, no wonder Hattie thought that we might get along. "Yes I am, and I am sorry for the delay in getting you all help and off the Isle. Ben has been delaying it over and over again and this was the only way we can think of to get it to click in his mind that you all needed help. But between council meetings, his dates with Mal, and his school work along with the Colition coming up, he's been distracted and I've tried to get him to focus on certain topics but he frankly ignores me." I explained to her and she looked into my eyes, trying to see the lie that she thought I was telling. "I have never lied to Hattie, and I won't lie to someone she considers a sister, so please hear the truth in my words." I said to her and she sighed and accepted the words I had said. 

I needed to change the topic to try and get her to trust me, I think she would be a wonderful in the Council. "Tell me about Hattie when she was younger, I was told that you and the two others taught her how to swordfight?" I asked her and Uma's eyes lit up at the mention of Hattie. "Yeah we did. See, Gil, Harry, and I were raised to fight and we met Hattie not long after our crew was formed. She had these glasses that were bigger than her eyes, and wore a sweater vest that she made herself. This I believe was after Jay dunking her into a tub of old, cold oil." Uma started and I got a bit mad after hearing that part, Hattie told me in the past but it still makes me angry. "She wanted to be a part of the crew, and we saw how much potential she had so we let her join. She was so skittish and frail that you wouldn't even recognize her back then if it weren't for her blue hair." Uma reminisced and there was this small smile that graced onto her dark skin. 

"I remember the day she finally was able to beat Harry, and Harry is hard to beat, even I have a hard time beating him." Uma said and I was intrigued at this. "We were about ten years old and all four of us were in our normal training spot when I wasn't working." Uma started and she then told me the rest of the tale, and honestly I was impressed. 

Enter Flashback - Six Years Ago

(Hattie P.O.V)

Today was another day of practice before I had to go home for the night, Uma was sitting on her chair that we made especially for her, stealing stuff from Dr. Faciliar was difficult but we got it in the end. "Let's see how ye do Lassie." Harry teased and I smirked, beating Harry was a goal of mine and if I could be Harry, who was known to taking down guys older and taller than him, then I knew I would be safe on this torturous Isle. We got into our positions and I took a deep breath, making sure that I wasn't nervous or too excited, that could mess with how you handle the blade.

Then we started to battle, each swing of our swords clashed with one another. Both of us trying to get one another to lose their balance, but I had the advantage compared to Harry. I was smaller than him and Gil, heck even smaller than Uma, and I was more flexible at this stage, so with a perilous swing and a very near injury swing of Harry's blade. I was able to get behind him, and place the blade onto his throat. "Yield Harry, before you pee yourself." I warned my brother figure who yielded.

Flashback End

I watched from the corner in the darkness everyone trying to talk to Mal about her coming back to Auradon. She needs time to cool down, why can't they understand that at all? "You get Harry, and then we will make our presence." I ordered Harry who nodded with his signature smirk that would make most girls weak in the knees but I wasn't one of them. "Ben?" I could hear Evie call out in the background and I cackled very loudly at their worrying. "Who's there?" Carlos called out and both me and Harry walked out of our hiding spots and the looks on their faces were magnificent. "Hattie? You're with them?" Evie asked me and I cold glared at the girl. "You all turned your back on the Isle, and I'm not talking about being evil, I'm talking about the people who don't deserve to be here. And you know what they say..." I said and I did a little twirl while licking my lips that had black lipstick on them, it was normal for me to have lipstick this color on when I was in these clothes, I just didn't do it when it was Coronation Day. 

"... Tick Tock, you're running out of time. Make sure Mal comes to Chip Shop at noon alone, before I decide to... do some cutting... on precious Ben." I ordered them and Jay was about to rush at me but when he was about to, I kicked him with my foot and the heel collided with his jaw. "Think I'm playing around boy? Or maybe I should show you." I remarked but the unforgettable sound of the Gil's whistling brought me to realization we needed to go. "Looks like our times up, remember to tell Mal, or else." I warned them and both me and Harry disappeared into the shadows. "Holy Hades that was fun." I said once we were far enough, I know that was the complete opposite of my personality but we call play a mask on the Isle. "And it was something I missed Lassie." Harry remarked and I laughed and wrapped my arms around his waist and we walked back to the Chip Shop. 

Authors opinion: Man that was fun, hey everyone and here is the newest chapter. I wanted to give some insight as to how Hattie was when she was a part of the crew, well she still is but not as she used to be I guess. I also added a training scene with the group when they were younger, my friend said that she should know how to fight despite not liking to do so and I liked that, basically she learned self defense and on the Isle, it was a second language for them I guess. Sorry if you guys thought Hattie wasn't her normal self, she had to play a role and wear a mask on the Isle and so she was doing just that. Don't worry we will get our normal Hattie back soon and so until the next time bye

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