I recognize the employee from the last time in was in the shop. He helped me pick my last ball gown dress for a fundraiser party I attended a few months ago.

"Just looking around for my dear friend Lilith here but thank you Austin. I will let you know if we need any assistance."

From the conner of my eye I spot Lilith gazing around the store in awe of all the dresses, admiring each and every one.

"What kind of dress are you looking for anyway?" I turn to her.

She doesn't even look away from the dresses around the shop before she answers me.

"I'm not sure, I've never shopped for dresses this beautiful before."

I notice her eyes lock on an elegant, slim red dress that was presented in the front window.

"Austin!" I flag the dress shop employee over to us.

"Yes Ms. Lenore, what can I assist you with?"

"Do you think we could have Lilith try on that red dress in the window there?" I finger points over where Lilith is examining the dress.

"Of course, ma'am, just give me one moment." He winks before walking away.

Austin and a few other employees help prepare the dress for Lilith and her face began to glow seeing them bring it over to us.

"The dress is ready if you would like to try it on ma'am." Austin informs Lilith.

She turns to me, worry filling her pretty face.

"Scarlett it's too much, I could never try something like that on."

It was true the dress was expensive but seeing the look on her face when she first saw it was more than any price tag was worth.

"It's not too much dear, go try on that dress because I know deep down, you're dying to."

She didn't even hesitate to take the dress from Austin and make her way into one of the fitting rooms.

I take a seat on their velvet couch sitting in front of her fitting room as I wait for Lilith to come out.

After a few minutes pass I catch a glimpse of her in the corner of my eye.

Lilith emerges her way out of the dressing room wearing the red dress and I nearly feel myself fall to my knees.

The dress wasn't the most beautiful part of this image, it was Lilith herself. The way the dress hugged every right part of her body, showing off her cleavage and collar bones just enough, it was perfect, she was perfect.

"Do you like it?" She does a little twirl.

I think she knew I was staring at her for far longer than I should have but how could anyone blame me.

"I think you look absolutely perfect." I breath out.

I felt her eyes fall down to my lips, taking them in as if she was imagining them on hers right now.

"But the most important question is if you like it?" I smirk.

She takes a look at herself in the mirror, simply staring at her features and the way the dress fitted her frame.

"I love it..." She exclaims softly.

That's when I knew this was the perfect dress for her.

"Austin, we'll take this one. Thank you so much for your help today."

I go over to the counter as Lilith changes back into her clothes and make the final payments. Once she comes out, she pulls me into a tight hug, and I'm taken by surprise.

I don't even fight the urge to hug her back and I gladly wrap my arms around her embrace, not even caring if anyone saw us right now.

"Thank you, Scarlett, really this is... well more than I could have ever asked for." She whispers in my ear.

I didn't know someone could have such an effect on me like she did but something about her just kept me in a trance that I could not escape.

"A great dress isn't complete with a great pair of heels, let's go, I know another store that's perfect." I lead her out of the store.

As we walk a few blocks down the street Lilith keeps pointing out and mentioning different stores and places that she would like to go to someday as I make mental notes.

"Oh, and this store is beautiful, what even is this place? I think it's a bakery maybe?"

As she looks through the window, I notice across the street I see... no way.

There stands Cullen with another women. She looks older than Lilith, dark hair, taller than Lilith for sure but not nearly as beautiful.

I watch carefully as Cullen pulls her in and kisses her hard full of passion.

That lying son of a bitch.

It took everything in me not to run across the street and punch him in his stupid face, but I knew I had to protect Lilith. There was no way she could see this nor did I want to ruin her day more than he already has.

"Um Lilith let's get going. I actually know a great bakery down the street from here." I suggest as I slip my hand on her back leading her away from the scene.

"Really? How good are we talking because I'm starving." She chirps.

"Oh darling, your tongue will have never tasted anything better." I smirk seductively as she blushes.

I knew eventually I would have to tell Lilith about Cullen and his mistress but today was certainly not that day. I couldn't bear to ruin this for her.

"You know I never told you, but I love your rings." Lilith comments randomly.

"Well thank you, I do take pride in my rings I suppose. What ring size are you by the way?" I casually ask.

She eyes me with suspicion but doesn't protest.


Again, I make another mental note. I knew the perfect Christmas present for her, and I am starting to think she is making me enjoy the holidays more than I imagined. 

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