Chapter 116

495 31 14

Jade Leywin POV

"Oof, I can't believe tomorrow is finally the day" Caera said as she slumped down on the armchair

"Same, the last three months had been hectic to say the least" I agreed sitting down in front of her

"God please don't remind me" she lamented massaging her temples

It's been three months since Agrona's death, in this time Alacrya first and Dicathen after had been in complete and utter chaos, Seris's first announcement of the end of the Vritra rule had gone off without a hitch trouble started arising after she declared her retirement, everyone assumed she would stay to rule over the continent but staying true to her word Seris decided to retire saying that she would stay in charge only until a new governor was choosen

She then declared that any highblood had the right to nominate a single candidate for the position of governor and that every highblood and named blood would have the right to vote, the candidate with the biggest number of votes would win, every single highblood had nominated someone and at first things looked fairly normal but then someone spread the rumor that Seris had already expended all her power in the battle against Agrona, many of the highbloods that didn't support her revolution took this as their chance and started rebellions everywhere

Of course if Seris wanted she could have ended the whole thing in the blink of an eye, Cylrit alone was more than strong enough to obliterate any wannabe warlord and his army, unfortunately for us, and luckily for them, Seris didn't want to use her power stating that doing so wouldn't have made her any different from Agrona so she opted for diplomacy which meant that she and her aides spent the following month and a half travelling across Alacrya negotiating with the various rebel factions

Honestly they would still be discussing if not for Corbett, after our victory he managed to use Seris's power and influence to take out his brother and take back his position as highlord, as soon as he did that he nominated Caera for the position of governor and once he did that one by one all the other candidates started to retire and in a week Caera was crowned as the new general governor of Alacrya

After the issues in Alacrya were solved it was Dicathen's turn to be swept in turmoil, as we started the many, many meetings needed in order to write an actual peace treaty between our continents the general population, dwarves in particular, started to voice their disagreement, in their eyes the complete one-sided and unprovoked aggression from the alacryans was to be punished now that they were undefended and many asked the Council to send me and Arthur to Alacrya

Luckily no one tried to take advantage of the chaos, most likely since everyone knew that no matter how big of an army they amassed it wouldn't be enough to put a scratch on a Lance which meant that through a lot of diplomacy we managed to calm everyone down

An unexpected help came from the soldiers, specifically from the ones that were on guard duty in the many prisoners camps we made for the alacryans, the close and daily contact with the alacryan prisoners helped the soldiers view them less as heartless monsters and more as normal people

As for the issue with Oludari since just keeping a full-blooded basilisk in a cell in the Castle's dungeon would have led to quite a number of guards losing their sleep I opted to give him to Dawn when we accompanied her and Chul back to the Hearth, there Mordain assured me he would get the proper punishment for his sins without killing him

"Governor Caera" as I was immersed in my thoughts the maid finished brewing the tea and handed a steaming cup to Caera

"Lance Leywin" she addressed me handing me my cup

The maid proceeded to leave the teapot on the table alongside a multilayer tray of sweets, after arranging the table she gave us a polite bow and left

"Where are the others by the way?" Caera asked seeing as I was the only one in the room beside her

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